Year 12 IB pupils have completed their Collaborative Sciences Project
15 September 2023

Over the past week, the Year 12 IB pupils have been completing their Collaborative Sciences Project (the replacement for the Group 4 Project). All IB Diploma pupils work in groups spending 10 hours investigating a local and global problem in a scientific context. This year they linked to the sixth UN sustainable development goal “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.”
The pupils worked in teams of three to investigate and research both a local and global aspect of water and then presented the results of their research to staff and pupils in the atrium of the Dyson Building.
Dr Taylor was very impressed with how well they all worked together and their presentations were outstanding. He would also like to thank all of the Science Department staff that gave so much of their time to supervise the pupils over the two days and the invaluable support of the Science Technicians.