Well done to Woodlands who have won the Year 9 Inter-House Debating competition

The Year 9 Inter-House Debating competition has come to a conclusion and the standard of debate this year has been exceptionally high. The semi-final matches were hotly contested, with Woodlands seeing off the challenge of Queens’ and Farfield holding out against a very strong Oakeley. 

The final took place for the first time in the Dyson Building as Woodlands – Isaac B, Xander B and Johnnie O – proposed and the Wild Card, Farfield – George J, Tristan B and Alex B – opposed the motion This House believes that the UK should follow the lead of Ireland, Norway and Spain and recognise Palestine as a state. 

Both sides displayed a mastery of the complex history and issues related to Palestine and Israel and responded very well to Points of Information and some very tough questions from the floor. 

The final result was very close but proposition Woodlands emerged victorious and lift the Carolyn Thomas Cup for 2024.