Well done to Oakeley who have won Sixth Form Inter-House Debating

Sixth Form Inter-House Debating has concluded this term. Oakeley prevailed over Howson’s in one semi-final tie, and Woodlands saw off Edinburgh in the other. 

The final was held in Big School with Oakeley – Kitty R, Mojuba A and Eva O’D – proposing and Woodlands – Guy P, Beowulf O’D and Nik P – opposing the motion ‘This House believes that the United Nations is no longer fit for purpose and should be scrapped and replaced.’

The debate contrasted the recent intervention failures of the UN and the veto dominance of the Permanent Members of the Security Council with the UN’s humanitarian and cultural successes. The debate hinged on whether replacement or reform was the best option for the UN’s future. 

Both terms were strong, but the winners were declared to be Oakeley who were awarded the Marsham Trophy (presented in 1986) by Headmaster Douglas Robb.