Well done to all who took part in the Gresham’s Triathlon and have raised money for Holt Youth Project
1 May 2024
On Sunday 28th April, a very large number of hardy souls still showed-up to complete the Gresham’s Triathlon 2024. 142 pupils from across all three schools completed the three disciplines in cold, wet and windy conditions showing steely resolve, good humour and athleticism in abundance. Our very own Senior School saw 38 take to the field (a whopping 21 of whom were from Tallis)!! Each year we award the Middleton Trophy for the athlete who showed the most ‘grit’ or resolve, this year however we felt that all who took to the start line in these conditions embodied the spirit of the award making the judges’ decision harder than ever. This said, the organisers would like to recognise Ru M for his excellent efforts in winning the Senior race. Special shout out must also go to Edward D M who was perhaps a reluctant participant but nevertheless did all three events with characteristic humour and effort leaving absolutely nothing left in the tank. It is such efforts which are the true delight of the Triathlon as these pupils (and maybe an adult or two) realise what they are actually capable of and experience the fully deserved ‘buzz’ which comes soon after they cross the finishing line! Plans are already afoot for next year and maybe something slightly different…..
So far we have raised about £2,000 for the Holt Youth Project. There is still time to donate, please click the link: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/greshams-triathlon-2024
MASSIVE well done to all those who took part and we hope to see you for a sunnier and warmer experience next year!