Two pupil-led productions took the Auden theatre by storm

Two world premieres – written, directed, performed and crewed by pupils – took the Auden by storm over two back-to-back Fridays. Both productions brought the audience to their feet on two unforgettable evenings that celebrated the joy of live theatre.  

First up was Office Eclipse on 3rd November. This was a farcical, dark comedy written and directed by Spike C with original sound design by Eduvie O. The tightknit ensemble took the audience on a nightmarish descent into comic chaos, witnessed by the near obliteration of the set by the end of the night.  

Company Spike C, Eduvie O, Harry L, Larkin A, Will B, Angelika J, Beowulf O, Dougie L, Jimmy T 

Next up was Not A Cult the musical on Friday 10th November written and directed by Larkin A and Emma C. Based on a Ten-Minute play of the same name the writers were joined by Jimmy T to add lyrics and music. A joyously committed acting company- many of whom had performed the week before in Office Eclipse took to the stage in an extraordinary and bizarre comic horror with live music, a central love story, a villainous cult and a demanding pineapple god causing on stage human into apple transformations. 

Company Larkin A, Jimmy T, Will B, Jaz C, Tamsin S, Taylor S, Ruby S