The U15 netball team faced a strong Rugby School team in the Independent Schools Netball Competition
26 January 2024

On the 25th of January, our Under 15 netball team faced a strong Rugby School team in the Independent Schools Netball Competition. A combination of Under 15 and 14 players formed the squad. It was a great opportunity to see some of our younger players step into the squad and gain experience in this competitive environment. When Rugby arrived it was clear to see that their height was going to be a challenge in itself. Rugby came out in force and took a 10 goal lead after the 1st quarter. Our girls showed some good passages of play but were unable to capitalise on these opportunities. Our opposition showed more consistency in their play and pushed their score line on. Gresham’s continued to work hard on the court and could recognise the opposition were stronger than us on the day. Although a tough match, our squad gained a lot of experience and our U14 players now know the challenge ahead of them next year.