The first Page to Stage evening provided a dramatic start to the year

The first Page to Stage evening took place on Friday 29th September, the event so early in the term demanded a high level of commitment and focus from all pupils who had to ensure they had a clear understanding of what their character had to say and how they as performers could communicate this to the audience through their choice of: costume, props and set, in the delivery of lines and staging of their moment with movement, lights and sound. The range of performances was exciting as we moved from an original short film to a dramatic adaptation of a song, from Noel Coward to William Shakespeare interspersed with comic direct address and hard hitting, direct and sparse modern tragedy. We travelled through Barbie land to the violent and murky streets of Victorian London, visited an Alchemist’s laboratory ending in the woods outside of Athens. The audience was impressively navigated through the evening by Year 9 Drama scholars Isaac B and Hennie D. A dramatic start to the year.    Â