The first of two Music and Munch lunchtime concerts this term featured a varied programme

The String Quartet, consisting of Zinny B, Lucy D, Isadora A and Ilana B played Allegretto by Elgar, Crickets sang Hymne at l’amour and further vocal items included Lucy C For Good from Wicked,  Olivia E Dreamer and Meg O Chanson d’amour by Fauré. James C played Etude No. 6 on guitar and Lucy D returned to the stage to play the Adagio from Arpeggione Sonata as well as sing Cry me a River. The usual audience was joined by several members of the Gresham’s Foundation who were in school attending a lunch. 

The second Music & Munch of the term will be on Friday 7th June and will feature some of our leavers as well as Strings Ensemble.