In September 2021 the School and Gresham’s Foundation launched an endowment fund appeal honouring the late, great Logie Bruce-Lockhart and his impact on Old Greshamians: the Bruce-Lockhart Fund appeal.
The endowment fund is the first of its kind within the Foundation and will support bursaries for Gresham’s pupils in perpetuity. The means-tested awards will be given to local young people who display talent or promise in one or more field and who require significant if not full bursarial support; it will help to open doors to those who would otherwise not have the chance to come to Gresham’s and will complement the ongoing and considerable impact of the Gresham’s Foundation Bursary Fund.
As outlined in this booklet (mobile-friendly version), the aim is to build up a substantial fund that will in turn support a growing number of young people with Bruce-Lockhart Awards. The Fund will help to secure means-tested support at Gresham’s and further widen access to the School.
“I arrived at Gresham’s in the autumn of 1974 from a very different world…. I was bowled over by the facilities on offer and the talent around me. I still remember (approximately) Logie Bruce-Lockhart’s words as he welcomed new boys and girls to the School – ‘It doesn’t matter what you excel at, just find out what it is’. I have tried to live by that maxim. Logie made a deep impression on me, like he did on so many others.
My four terms at Gresham’s were a privilege and they changed my life. I would like others to be able to enjoy the same opportunity, whatever their background. That is why I support the bursary and scholarship programme. ”
ETIENNE DUVAL – Howson’s ’75
Donating to the Fund
As of 1st November 2023, more than £350,000 has been pledged to the Fund. This is a most heartening response and a great show of support from the Gresham’s community. It has meant that the first Bruce-Lockhart Award was made in September and has gone to a local pupil in Year 12.
If you would like to donate to the Bruce-Lockhart Fund, you can do so by visiting our online giving site to give by either Credit or Debit Card, or you can donate by bank transfer, cheque or charities voucher when using the Bruce-Lockhart Fund giving form here. (Please be aware that there are transaction fees involved when donating online, and for larger gifts you may wish to consider an alternative payment method. If you would like more information or if you are an overseas donor looking to support the Fund, please contact the Development Office on 01263 714529 or at [email protected] for more information.)