The Ten Minute Play Festival featured an astonishing range of original plays

On Tuesday 30th April we held our Ten Minute Play Festival with another astonishing range of original plays. 5 world premieres in just over an hour with a comic interlude and an award ceremony – it was quite the night

The plays in order of performance were:

The Tube: Crystals and Coins written and directed by Olga B performed by Olga B, Jemima W, Milan H and Jimmy T

Dear Brain written and directed by Zinnia-Claire B and performed by Illana Band Will B

The Drip written and directed by Hennie D and Irene T, performed by Hennie , Irene T, Darcy G-R, Bella B, Lily D, Lily F D, Lola H, Sophie J and Sofia S

The Hotline written directed and performed by Pullo W

Five Dead written and directed by Isaac B and Alex H, performed by Isaac B and Alex H, Will M, Johnnie O, Hennie D and Miriam G, Tech by Harry L

The audience were treated to a comic performance during the judging of scenes from Teechers by John G performed by Isac B, Alex H and Will M, tech crew Harry L and James M

Playwright James Mc Dermoot judged the plays themselves beforehand and awarded the prestigious Ten Minute Play Cup for Best Play to Zinnia-Claire B for Dear Brain 

Judging on the night for the performances fell to Mrs Futter who had an incredibley tough choice but finally awarded:

Total Theatre Award for Best Production to The Tube:Crystals and Coins 

Futter’s Choice Dear Brain

Best Actor Awards went to Illana B for Dear Brain and Pullo W for The Hot Line 

and Best Ensemble to The Drip and Five Dead

It was quite the night and some of the playwrights are already planning next year!

A level Drama pupils performed their final exam pieces to a very appreciative audience

On Wednesday April 17th  A level Drama theatre pupils performed their final practical exam monologues and a duologue in front of very appreciative audience including their external examiner. The work was varied, challenging and wholly engaging showcasing a range of acting skills and styles. The confident and assured performances made for an intense and truly memorable evening celebrating the joy and rewards  of live theatre. Taking their final bows were in order of appearance; Jemima T as Rosie in Things I Know To Be True, Will B as Him in Camp Siegfried, Larkin A as George and Taylor Sisterson as Martha in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf and Spike C as Iago in Othello.

Well done to all who took part in the Gresham’s Triathlon and have raised money for Holt Youth Project

On Sunday 28th April, a very large number of hardy souls still showed-up to complete the Gresham’s Triathlon 2024. 142 pupils from across all three schools completed the three disciplines in cold, wet and windy conditions showing steely resolve, good humour and athleticism in abundance. Our very own Senior School saw 38 take to the field (a whopping 21 of whom were from Tallis)!! Each year we award the Middleton Trophy for the athlete who showed the most ‘grit’ or resolve, this year however we felt that all who took to the start line in these conditions embodied the spirit of the award making the judges’ decision harder than ever. This said, the organisers would like to recognise Ru M for his excellent efforts in winning the Senior race. Special shout out must also go to Edward D M who was perhaps a reluctant participant but nevertheless did all three events with characteristic humour and effort leaving absolutely nothing left in the tank. It is such efforts which are the true delight of the Triathlon as these pupils (and maybe an adult or two) realise what they are actually capable of and experience the fully deserved ‘buzz’ which comes soon after they cross the finishing line! Plans are already afoot for next year and maybe something slightly different…..

So far we have raised about £2,000 for the Holt Youth Project. There is still time to donate, please click the link:

MASSIVE well done to all those who took part and we hope to see you for a sunnier and warmer experience next year!

Pupils have been raising money for the E.B. (Butterfly Skin) charity, DEBRA

Gresham’s Senior School pupils have been raising money for the E.B. (Butterfly Skin) charity DEBRA UK in exchange for the opportunity to wear their own clothes to school for the day. Matthew, a representative from the charity, also delivered a superb Chapel talk giving our pupils a fascinating insight into how the research and treatment of rare diseases are funded.

Year 12 pupil Rose delivered an inspiring Chapel talk on Women in STEM

Year 12 pupil Rose delivered an inspiring Chapel talk on Women in STEM this week. The talk highlighted the important, and often overlooked, role women have played in these fields in history. Rose ended on an encouraging note, inviting us to look to the future in hope.

It has been a busy expedition season for DofE participants

It has been a busy time for the DofE participants in recent months. In March, 56 Year 10 pupils completed a two-day assessment expedition in the North Norfolk countryside, camping at Kelling Heath. This was the final part of their bronze award. Their awards are awaiting final approval. 

During the first week of the Easter holiday, 29 Year 12 pupils completed their gold practice expedition in the Peak District. The groups experienced very mixed weather during the four day expedition over some challenging terrain, but all returned to North Norfolk feeling a great sense of achievement on completion of their expedition.

Pupils studying Agriculture have been busy caring for a group of orphan lambs

Pupils studying Agriculture at Gresham’s have been busy over the past couple of weeks caring for a group of very cute orphan lambs on the school site. Last weekend the lambs had a wonderful time exploring Chapel lawn in a special Good Shepherd themed Chapel service. Pupils Jack and Hugo gave an amusing and informative talk before fielding a variety of sheep related questions from pupils and staff.

The CCF welcomed Major-General Felix Gedney for its Review

The CCF welcomed Major-General Felix Gedney for its Review on 26th April. He was greeted by a full contingent parade and inspected the Guard of Honour, commanded by CSM George P, as well as the Royal Navy, Army & RAF Sections in turn, accompanied by a tri-service repertoire from the contingent band. In the afternoon he enjoyed a tour of training that encompassed a wide range of activities including introductory expedition training for the new recruits, command tasks, communications exercises and shooting on the shotgun simulator. In addition the RAF showed off its flight simulator and rocketry, the Royal Navy demonstrated a range of afloat training activities and the Army section ran through different fieldcraft skills. The cadets and NCOs all delivered an excellent display of what is offered through participation in the CCF.

A Grand Performance at Steinway Hall: A Masterclass Experience

Jimmy T, Milan H, Emily M, Benny S, and Rose T were invited to perform at the prestigious Steinway Hall in London on Tuesday 23rd April and participate in a masterclass conducted by the esteemed Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Music, Andrew Zolinsky. Our pupils had diligently prepared individual pieces, which were then critiqued and developed under the expert guidance of Zolinsky. This was a unique opportunity for them to refine their skills and gain invaluable insights from a world-renowned musician. The day was filled with excitement as our pupils were treated to a tour of the pianos and the restoration department at Steinway Hall. They had the chance to play on the new Spirio model, as well as a piano destined for the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall. The highlight of the day was a recital where our pupils demonstrated what they had learned in the masterclass. We were delighted to be joined by friends and family who came to support and share in this memorable event. The maturity and dedication our pupils showed in the preparation and performance of their pieces were truly commendable. As an All-Steinway school, we are proud of this ongoing partnership, our school names featuring on the ‘Wall of Fame’ at Steinway Hall. 

Schola Cantorum were on top form for their performance at Cromer Church

Schola Cantorum hit the ground running with a concert in the first week of the Summer Term. Cromer has an impressive church which served as a fine venue for what was the final Schola community concert of the year and a farewell concert for the Year 13s. For those who had braved the cold and wet, the programme celebrating Sir Charles Villiers Stanford’s centenary, sung superbly by the choir, provided a memorable evening of choral singing. Favourites such as Stanford Magnificat in C, Beati Quorum Via, Parry I was Glad, and Wood O Thou the Central Orb were joined by Stanford For Lo I Raise Up and Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G among others and the Crickets performance of Sullivan The Long Day Closes and O Love I Wrong Thee Much. While mention must be made of assured solos from Jimmy T (including his performance on the organ), Ruby S, Tamsin S, Milan H and Zinnia-Claire B, the choir were clearly enjoying themselves and were on top form. Thanks too to Martin Holford, our School organist, for his accompaniment on the splendid church organ.