Year 7 pupils have enjoyed salsa dancing lessons

Year 7 Spanish have had a cultural interlude this week where they learnt a bit about Cuba and did some research into the history of Salsa (the dance, not the sauce). Then on Thursday they were treated to a salsa lesson with our fabulous dance teacher, Lucy, who had them all grooving and moving to the beat in no time. Olé!

Year 1 trip to Langham Glass

Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Langham Glass. Pupils watched some amazing glass making demonstrations, had a go at colouring glass and also made their own tea light holder to take home. Mrs Archer even blew a big glass bubble which the pupils enjoyed smashing! It was very exciting and Year 1 loved their tea light holders.

Prep School featured in The Cricketer Schools Guide 2023

We are delighted to announce that Gresham’s Prep School has been featured as a top 50 Prep School in the UK in The Cricketer magazine. It is a fantastic achievement to be featured after a thorough selection process, in which hundreds of schools sent in entries to be featured in the list. All entries were then judged against an extensive set of criteria, which included a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture programmes and coaching.

This is also telling of the hard work that our cricket teams put in to achieve results, which has payed dividends for both boys and girls cricket teams, who had impressive seasons last year. The Girls U13A and B teams ended their season last summer with wins against Wisbech Grammar School and Norwich School respectively, topped off with a win at the St Joseph’s College six-a-side tournament. The U13 boys team ended their season winning the County Cup. These are fantastic results for our Prep cricket teams and very promising looking towards next season.

Gresham’s sports fantastic facilities for our budding cricketers, who have the opportunity to develop their skills all year round with the use of the Bola Meryln indoor bowling machine. Cricket is the main sport for Boys and Girls in the Prep School in the summer term. The game is initially learned through the Kwik cricket format encouraging all players to develop batting, bowling, and fielding skills. As their skills develop, coaching builds towards pairs and T20 match formats with most players moving into the hard ball game in Year 5 or 6. Players are offered coaching throughout the year during activities sessions led by the school’s Director of Cricket, Chris Brown, and other cricket coaching staff.


Careers and the STEAM coordinator worked together to produce STEAM Week. It was a busy week with speakers, workshops, a Chapel talk, virtual Maths Challenge with F1 McLaren and a STEAM Careers Fair with 40 exhibitors including Lotus Cars, The Dyson Institute, the Armed Forces, the Quadram Institute and more.
The Sixth form Academic Enrichment talk was with Zoe Griffiths, from Think Maths who gave a interactive talk on the Hidden Maths of Technology.
On Tuesday Zoe did a sequence of four Maths workshops on ‘Shapes and Smoke Rings’ which were attended in separate sessions for year 11, year 10, year 7 and outreached to pupils from Sheringham High School and Cromer Academy.
On Wednesday Blakely Clothing gave a Chapel talk to illustrate how the creative industry is part of STEAM, embracing design, manufacture, creativity, technology, logistics and sustainability.
Later on Wednesday F1 McLaren Aerodynamicist, OG Kunz Chow (W 2009 – 13) together with the F1 McLaren outreach team did a virtual maths and science challenge to show pupils how curriculum learning and mathematical theory is used with performance analysis. The pupils were given a challenge involving use of algebra, calculus, pie and trigonometry.
The STEAM Careers Fair celebrated and showcased a diverse variety of STEAM employment with 40 exhibitors representing Creativity, Design, Art, Engineering, Property, the Armed Forces, Software Engineering, Technology Design, Science, Agriculture, the Environment and Space.
All year 9-13 pupils attended with external schools bringing pupils from Alderman Peel High School, Aylsham High School, Sheringham High School and Cromer Academy.
Prep School pupils from years 7 & 8 attended and Parents were invited.
The learning outcome was for pupils to link STEAM subject learning to employment by finding out from exhibitors what their role is, how they got to where they are now and what skills and opportunities employers offer.



Gresham’s School welcomes employers to Dyson Building for STEAM Careers Fair

House Music 2022

Friday 14 October was the date in the diary this term for that most fiercely contested of competitions – House Music 2022.  For any new pupils who had witnessed the build-up and may have been wondering exactly what the fuss was all about, all was about to be revealed.
Mezzo-Soprano Laura Wright, no stranger to performing at high profile events such as International sports events, and performing for Royalty was in the hot seat as Judge.  
Instrumental showcased an eclectic mix of pieces and musical skills to an already packed Sports Hall.  Tallis, with their rendition of Stevie Wonder’s I Wish, were crowned winners but the overall scores not read out. The overall winner would not be revealed until the end of the evening. After a quick tea break, it was back in the Hall for Part Song.  More audience had arrived and once again the Houses went head to head with a variety of songs to best show off their singers. It was the turn of one of the girls’ Houses to claim victory and Oakeley were delighted to win with Kate Bush’s Running up that Hill.  As with Instrumental Laura gave a summing up.
Parents headed off to Big School to enjoy refreshments and the pupils headed back to House for refuelling and last minute unison rehearsals and to change into their costumes. With hardly an empty seat in the Hall, Oakeley took their place on stage to start the Unison element of the competition. It was apt they sang The Greatest Show – the day was certainly producing some spectacular performances. Farfield concluded the Unison performances and all eyes turned to Laura on stage for her feedback and final summing up of the competition.  
After what seemed an age, the waiting was over and Mrs Wolfe returned to the stage with Laura to award the cups. Tallis and Oakeley proudly received their cups and Farfield were victorious in Unison with Get Down on it/You should be Dancing. And the overall winner was… Oakeley!
Our thanks must go to Laura for judging, to the Ground and Technical staff for creating a Concert Hall out of a Sports Hall, to the Music Department and House Staff for helping where necessary, but bravo to the pupils, who once again, showed that music runs through the very veins of Gresham’s.


Part Song:


CCF activities this half term

Cadets have again enjoyed a varied training programme over the term, focusing on completing elements of their basic and advanced syllabus. All cadets have done teamwork activities and some drill, in preparation for the Remembrance parades. In addition the Army Section cadets have been instructed in the use of the cadet weapon systems and infantry skills, RAF cadets have used their flight simulator and Navy cadets have had time ‘afloat’ in the school pool. RAF cadets have also been gliding and enjoyed a STEM day at RAF Marham. Senior cadets have enhanced their leadership and instructional skills with some yr11 cadets successfully completing a junior leadership course during the half term break. Remembrance Day saw senior NCOs lay wreathes in the chapel at 11am on the 11th November while the whole contingent had a moments reflection, accompanied by apposite music from the CCF band, in the afternoon. Looking ahead there is already much excitement about the Adventure Training camp for summer 2023, as well as other AT events in the Lent and Summer terms. The contingent is busy!

STEAM news this half term

The Dyson building has seen even more collaboration between departments at the start of this academic year. Art, Science, Computing and Maths have all joined forces to deliver some spectacular GAP’s STEAM activities. Students have begun many projects including; an interactive conductive paint wall, bath bomb making, satellite tracking systems, VEX and Lego robotics, F24 electric cars, 3D printing, Electronics and the processes of architecture.

The VEX robotic teams are preparing for regional competitions in January for the ‘Spin up’ challenge this year. The Lego robotics teams are preparing their Sumo bots for a robotics competition in Estonia next year.

From January we will welcome over 600 students from 36 Norfolk primary schools, who will take part in the STEAM Outreach Competition that was highly successful last year.

Any questions please email [email protected]

Careers enrichment and activities this half term

Career Bite talk on Marine Science & Oceanology

Ian Wilson, an Oceanologist from Benthic Solutions Ltd talked to pupils on the variety of jobs embracing Oceanology in the oil & gas industry, renewable energy, utilities and in Marine Science in Geo Physics/Geo Technics/Geo Chemists and Oceanography.

He advised that to work in either sector a degree in a Marine Science would be needed.  

For further information contact Gresham’s Careers – [email protected]

Poul Hoveson delivered a talk on estate management embracing his forty years of estate management in Denmark, Poland and Norfolk, together with Poul’s passion for innovative agriculture, combining traditional farming with the latest technologies.

George King, Gresham’s Lead Strength & Conditioning Coach gave a talk to sixth form pupils on the myths and misconceptions surrounding supplement use.

Gresham’s Careers welcomed Bob Goodson CEO of NetBaseQuid to give an Academic Enrichment talk to sixth form pupils. Bob shared practical tools and inspiration with sixth formers for career and education decisions in any field.

Fright Night 2022

November 3rd and 4th saw the return of Fright Night to Gresham’s School! The cast of pupils from Year 12 and 13 took the audience on a hair-raising search for paranormal activity in The Auden Theatre and our school woods. Along the way, the audience heard from a variety of different ghostly characters, each telling their tale of woe. They also came across a variety of other ghosts and ghouls who wanted to make their presence known to the audience at various points in the journey. The piece was supported by Mr Myers and the BTEC Music Production students who created a fantastically sinister soundscape that added to the eerie atmosphere. Terrifying makeup designs were provided by the very talented Tillie C and Beatrice G. A huge thank you to everyone who took part and came along for the ride. Come along next year…. if you dare! 

Gospel Service

The Senior School were in fine voice during our Chapel Gospel service recently. We have a wonderful tradition of enthusiastic hymn singing here at Gresham’s and our pupils almost raised the Chapel roof as they sang an array of toe tapping favourites. The service also included spellbinding performances from Albert, Jemima, Michelle and Seb of Stormzy’s Blinded by Your Grace, and Mary Mary’s Shackles.