Pupils of Gresham’s Chapel Choir and Schola Cantorum were thrilled to visit Cambridge for this year’s choir tour, a city celebrated for it’s rich choral tradition. This occasion is always a wonderful opportunity for students from all years of the Senior school to come together and make beautiful music.
The group was lucky enough to visit multiple historic and majestic venues, the first of which was King’s College Chapel. As we entered the chapel, the light was entering the sixteenth-century stained glass windows, and everyone marvelled at the fan vault decorating the ceiling. We were allowed to observe a rehearsal of Cambridge Choral scholars by conductor and organist Daniel Hyde, the quality of which thoroughly astonished our students. Daniel was kind enough to impart some words of advice, recommending our pupils to research into potential Colleges of interest, and to come and sing for him and other choral conductors in Cambridge. The visit concluded with an Eucharist service, led by Daniel and the King’s College Choir.
The next day, our pupils performed a lunchtime concert at St. John’s College. Another beautiful venue, with a distinctive organ featuring Trompeta Royal stops, capable of delivering powerful tones. This was used in full effect by our organist, Mr Holford. Highlights from this concert included a gorgeous solo from Reva S. in “O For The Wings Of A Dove” by Mendelssohn, and Britten’s “A Hymn To The Virgin”, a remarkably mature work which was nevertheless written when he attended Gresham’s School.
That evening, the group went to see “Heathers: The Musical” at the Cambridge Arts Theatre, which delighted pupil and teacher alike (even Choir Master Mr Jones!) with stellar performances, memorable songs and dark comedy.
On the last full day, we had an evening performance in the elegant Clare’s College Chapel. This venue was more intimate in style than the previous, giving a personal touch to the performance. Highlights of this performance included Beach’s “Peace I Leave You”, Rutter’s “I Will Sing With The Spirit”, and a spellbinding solo from Zinny C.-B. in Britten’s “Te Deum in C”.
The final performance took place the next day, in the magnificent King’s Lynn Minster. This was the most varied concert, featuring four-hands organ accompaniment from Mr Brown and Mr Holford in the Vierne’s earth-shattering “Kyrie”. Fergus R. and Mrs Roberts later gave fortissimo brass support in Bruckner’s Ecce Sacerdos magnus. We also heard an equally impressive interpretation of the solo in “Te Deum in C” from Naomi H.-S. Finally, the choir performed the jazz-infused number “Nova, Nova”, complete with clapping and stomping, and accompanied by Mr Brown on the piano.