Well done to the Gresham’s Rifle Club ‘A’ Team, who won the annual small-bore match against Cambridge

The annual small-bore target rifle match, between Gresham’s Rifle Club and Cambridge University Rifle Club, took place recently. This is normally a very tight contest, often coming down to a matter of just a few points, but this year it was not quite as close as it has been in the past. There was some fantastic scoring by the Gresham’s team, despite the absence of several of the teams’ top shots, with all members of the team doing their upmost to secure the victory. It was two sisters that secured the win for Gresham’s, with Ilana B top scoring out of all 30 competitors in the match, with an impressive 196 out of 200 and Marcella B just behind with a 195 out of 200. The final result in the ‘A’ Team match was Gresham’s Rifle Club 1539 points, Cambridge University Rifle Club 1510 points. The victory to Gresham’s Rifle Club by 29 points!

Since records began, Gresham’s have won the match 12 times and Cambridge 4 times. The ‘B’ Team match was almost just as close but unfortunately with a win to Cambridge University. Gresham’s Rifle Club ‘B’ team, consisting almost entirely of Year 9 and 10 pupils, 1429 points, Cambridge University Rifle Club 1467 points. We thank Cambridge University Small-Bore Rifle Club for a very enjoyable fixture, and we wish them every success in the Varsity Match in a couple of weeks’ time. Huge congratulations to everyone involved in the match.

Budding lawyers visited King’s Lynn Crown Court

Year 12 pupils Evie, Eva, Alma and Maddie, who have a strong interest in Law, enjoyed a super visit to King’s Lynn Crown Court. The day’s visit gave them insight of the law court protocol and roles together with the  opportunity to observe cross examination of prosecution witnesses. It was a superb day linking subject study learning and future opportunities.

The Prep School Green Team challenged pupils to decorate recycling bins

The Prep School Green Team set a challenge to all Prep School pupils last week to decorate their recycling bins and raise awareness in our school community of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. The hotly contested competition was judged on Friday and ‘5TH’ are the winners of a fully recycled and recyclable prize – well done to all! 

Author Scarlett Clark visited the Prep School to speak about her book, ‘The Smart Girls Handbook’

Scarlett spoke to parents on raising daughters and she also did a workshop with all of our Year 7 and 8 girls which the HSMs from Oakeley, Queens and Edi attended with representatives from their Houses. 

Scarlett is the author of The Smart Girls Handbook and is the CEO of Smart Girls Tribe. She is a fantastic ambassador and has some incredible achievements for a woman in her twenties, including being the host of top rated podcast Smart Girl Tribe, a TV commentator on women’s issues, and an ambassador for the NSPCC and Childline.

Congratulations to our ESU Debating team who have made it through the second round of the competition

Many congratulations to our ESU Debating team who journeyed to Langley on Tuesday evening for the second round of the English-Speaking Union Mace Debating Competition.  

Having progressed through the first online round, our team faced the best teams in the Norfolk and Suffolk regions in an in-person heat. They had a difficult draw, having to oppose the abolition of the House of Lords, and faced a strong and experienced Langley proposition. Miranda H-S opened for the team and erected a very strong defence case, defending the Lords’ status as an amending chamber and citing various occasions when its scrutiny had rightfully caused the elected Commons to pause and improve legislation. Mojo A defended the Lords as an institution that had evolved and reflected diversity, and noted that corruption and cronyism were faults of politics generally, and not the exclusive fault of the Lords. Eva O’D summed up, astutely noting the points of clash, addressing questions from the floor and reminding the floor of why the Opposition’s case had merit and had prevailed in the debate.  

There were six teams in the heat in three debates across four hours of debating and only the best two participating were selected for round three. Happily, Gresham’s made the cut and so for the second year running we progress to the third round of the competition which covers the whole of the eastern region of England and leaves the team one win from the national finals.  

This is an impressive achievement, not least as Miranda is the only survivor of last year’s successful team. Well done Miranda, Mojo and Eva! 

The Inter-House target sprint competition saw Oakeley defend the trophy for a second year

The Gresham’s School Inter-House target sprint competition recently took place at the end of January. Each of the seven Houses entered a Junior team (Year 9 & Year 10) of five competitors and a Senior team (Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13), also containing five competitors. There were eight Senior teams for the first time, as we welcomed Arkell into the competition. The event has been adapted slightly, in order to make it very spectator friendly and also to allow those who had not done very much shooting the opportunity to be competitive. Each competitor was required to run 200 meters before coming into the air rifle range and shooting down five targets. Once the five targets had been knocked down then the next runner set off around the track. The event was made slightly more exciting as it was run under floodlight, at 8 o’clock in the evening. Both the track and the range were floodlit to create a wonderful atmosphere.

A huge congratulations, and thanks, must go to the 75 pupils that took part and that were involved in the event. Particularly well done to Oakeley for winning the Junior trophy and to Oakeley and Woodlands for becoming joint winners in the Senior trophy. Oakeley also won the combined overall trophy, so very well done to them for defending this trophy for the second year in a row.

Digital Leaders spoke about internet safety during a talk in Chapel

Ahead of Safer Internet Day next week our Young Digital Leaders delivered an excellent Chapel talk to the Senior School around the theme of ‘Inspiring Change’.

The digital leaders work in the school to raise awareness and run programs and projects to educate the Senior and Prep school on using the internet safely. They assist pupils, pupil-to-pupil, in knowing how to protect their information, security and wellbeing online.

This year’s Safer Internet Day projects include:

  • Chapel talk to senior school
  • Prep School talk
  • Senior school hunt on the ways the internet has inspired and produced change
  • Tutor time Kahoot competition

Year 3 recreated the rock cycle using chocolate!

In Science this week Year 3 recreated the rock cycle in chocolate. By using different types of chocolate and different processes they were able to make chocolate versions of the three rock types. They even made a chocolate volcano!

The U15 netball team faced a strong Rugby School team in the Independent Schools Netball Competition

On the 25th of January, our Under 15 netball team faced a strong Rugby School team in the Independent Schools Netball Competition. A combination of Under 15 and 14 players formed the squad. It was a great opportunity to see some of our younger players step into the squad and gain experience in this competitive environment. When Rugby arrived it was clear to see that their height was going to be a challenge in itself. Rugby came out in force and took a 10 goal lead after the 1st quarter. Our girls showed some good passages of play but were unable to capitalise on these opportunities. Our opposition showed more consistency in their play and pushed their score line on. Gresham’s continued to work hard on the court and could recognise the opposition were stronger than us on the day. Although a tough match, our squad gained a lot of experience and our U14 players now know the challenge ahead of them next year.

A special service of Choral Evensong marked Burns Night

Chapel Choir sang beautifully on Thursday evening in a special service of Choral Evensong to mark Burns Night. The Headmaster also proved his Scottish credentials during the service by reading some Burns’ poetry; his faultless accent raised many smiles in the congregation.