Gresham’s School is dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils. It is our wish at Gresham’s to develop the full potential of every pupil by providing a safe and caring environment.
The school prides itself on its excellent pastoral care provision which underpins the full character education provided to all our pupils. The Gresham’s ethos is that respect should be shown to all; teacher to pupil, pupil to teacher as well as pupil to pupil and to the wider community.
All pupils belong to a house and there are eight houses, seven boarding houses and one day house.
Day to day discipline falls under the remit of the pupil’s tutor and Housemaster/Housemistress; serious breaches are dealt with by the Deputy Head Pastoral or Headmaster and always in consultation with the Housemaster/ Housemistress.
For pupils who become ill there is a fully-staffed health centre with access to a school counsellor.
House system
All pupils belong to a house and there are eight houses, seven boarding houses and one day house. Each house has its own unique style and character and provides a warm and welcoming environment.
If children are happy and feel supported they will thrive, and we place great emphasis on supporting each pupil at the School to ensure they settle quickly and take advantage of all the opportunities on offer.
Every pupil is assigned an academic tutor when they enter the School. Tutors meet with their tutees once a week, when they can discuss any issues or seek advice, as well as following the tutor programme for their group.
Within the Christian tradition, Gresham’s School has a full-time Chaplain, and the Chapel acts as a main focus for the School campus and its staff and pupils.
There are services throughout the week where the School comes together and where announcements are made. The Chapel is left open throughout the day for anyone who needs space to be quiet and pray. While the main act of School worship is on a Saturday morning, parents, family and friends are warmly welcomed to join the Sunday act of worship as detailed in the calendar.
Health Centre
Our Health Centre provides a multidisciplinary professional health service to the Gresham’s community, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Morning surgery is held each weekday with the School Doctor from 8.15am, for boarders who are registered with the school medical service and access to the Health Centre is available on a drop in basis to all pupils for nurse-led consultations throughout the day.
The Mental Health Nurses are independent and confidential professionals, trained and experienced in giving advice and support about issues and problems that affect young people.