Prep School

School Life

Prep school > School Life

Life at Gresham’s Prep is busy and full of opportunities. Alongside the normal curriculum there are many exciting trips, activity days and other opportunities to enhance children’s lives.

These vary from dressing up for a charity day, taking part in a drama production, representing your school in a sports fixture, participating in a choral competition, visiting local beaches to discover more about coastal erosion or even being filmed for local TV; the list is endless.


The Head leads an assembly once a week. There are also individual house assemblies held each fortnight and phase assemblies each week. Assemblies are a time for celebrating children’s achievements as well as welcoming visiting speakers or members of the school community to speak about a variety of topics.


The school day is a long one and therefore no formal homework is set.  Supervised Prep takes place at school which allows time for individual study.  Younger children are encouraged to read at home and also to follow up topics that have been covered at school.  Children may also be asked to learn for tests and of course, revise at exam times.

Break times

Morning Break runs from 10:25am until 10.50am and afternoon break from 2.45pm until 3.00pm. Children are provided with a snack and a drink. Break times are fully supervised.  Lunch break runs from 12.25pm to 13.55pm in which there are staggered lunch sittings and ample time for play.  Many of the school’s facilities are open at lunchtimes and a number of supervised activities take place.


In Years 3 and 4, children attend Gresham’s Prep from Monday to Friday and from Year 5 upwards, they are with us on six days a week with the addition of our bespoke Saturday school enrichment programme. The school day starts with registration at 8.20am for all year groups. Our junior pupils in Years 3 and 4 have slightly earlier finishing times than children in Years 5 to 8, but they may stay for after school activities if they are ready for a longer day or have siblings in older year groups.

Saturday School

Saturday School is an integral part of life at Gresham’s Prep. The morning begins at 8.30am with our weekly Chapel Service which is attended by children and staff as well as many parents and families.

Home Weekend

Roughly every third weekend is either a ‘Home Weekend’ or a natural break in the term (half term or end of term).  Home Weekends start at 4.00pm on Fridays and day children return to school on Monday morning.  

School location

The Prep School is situated on its own site just outside Holt Town Centre.

The school is purpose-built and the buildings and facilities have mainly been constructed over the last 30 years. The site combines a cosy and child-friendly venue with plenty of space for sport and play. We benefit from a vast range of excellent facilities either on site or a short distance away on the Senior School site.

Healthy Eating

We aim to promote a healthy attitude toward food and nutrition, and our catering teams work hard to provide fresh and nutritionally balanced meals every day.

Our extensive menus offer plenty of choice for a range of tastes, with at least four different hot options available at mealtimes, in addition to filled rolls, wraps and daily soups. A healthy selection of fresh fruit and a large assortment of salads is always available, as is a tasty choice of puddings and yoghurts.