We welcomed back OG Irenosen Okojie for a Q&A with Year 13

We welcomed Old Greshamian Irenosen Okojie, Nigerian born English writer back to Gresham’s as part of Black History Month.

Irenosen visited the Prep School where she was a pupil for 6 years; embracing the dual culture and the introduction to the books of Roald Dahl.

Irenosen talked to the Year 13 pupils in a Q&A discussion with Year 12 pupil, Mojuba, from Nigeria.

The platform of this discussion gave opportunity for both to give further depth and insight to the richness of embracing dual culture and people; the authors that have inspired and influenced Irenosen’s writing and her positivity in embracing the dual culture together with the superb inclusion and diversity of teaching and culture that the Gresham’s education gives its pupils.

We welcomed OG Tom Youngs back for our Michaelmas Day celebration

It was wonderful to welcome OG Tom Youngs back to Chapel for our Michaelmas Day celebration. The service began with our heavenly trumpeters filling the building with wonderful music, playing above the heads of the congregation from the West Window. Our pupils then asked Tom questions about his career in professional Rugby, life in farming and his time at Gresham’s.

The History Department was involved in outreach work with Year 6 pupils in partnership with IntoUniversity

Gresham’s History Department was lucky enough to be involved in some outreach work with Year 6 pupils in Great Yarmouth in partnership with IntoUniversity in late September. Head of History, Simon Kinder, journeyed out to Great Yarmouth and spent two hours with a group of local schoolchildren. In a two-hour session, the pupils explored the origins of the Cold War and its major flashpoints. They also reviewed 600 years of medical change in just twenty minutes, identifying six key turning points. The pupils showed impressive concentration and engagement and the group contained many budding historians. At the end of a week of activities, they had a graduation ceremony at the University of East Anglia.

Visiting speaker Patrick Foster delivered a powerful message to Sixth Form pupils, staff and parents

Patrick is a former professional cricketer, insurance broker and independent schoolteacher whose life was torn to shreds by his pathological gambling addiction. Despite his idyllic upbringing and incredible success as a youngster, Patrick’s life became monopolised by gambling from his university days onwards as he found making the transition from playing sport and into the real world a huge challenge. His gambling addiction brought him to the verge of taking his own life in March 2018.  

Patrick delivered a powerful message to our sixth form, staff and parents not just about gambling but about addiction and the wider issues of not acknowledging or accepting help for mental health problems.

Drama pupils enjoyed a workshop with Paperbirds Theatre Company

On Tuesday 19th September Year 12 and Year 10 GCSE Drama pupils had a workshop with Paperbirds Theatre Company. The company have become hugely influential with their powerful and thought provoking productions and their generous approach to sharing their highly accessible theatrical toolkit which they use for creating original theatre. Over the two hours pupils were given a 5 point approach to the devising process.

A Special Evensong marked the 50th anniversary of W H Auden’s death

W H Auden attended Gresham’s from 1920-1925 and 29th September marks the 50th Anniversary of his death. He was a leading poet of his generation and having collaborated with another OG and friend Benjamin Britten during their lifetimes it was only fitting the school should acknowledge him. A Special Evensong on Thursday 21st September in the full candle-lit Chapel where both Auden and Britten would spend many hours, included poems written by Auden. Stop all the Clocks and O Tell me the Truth about Love, were eloquently read by boys from Auden’s boarding House, Farfield and the choir sang Hymn to St Cecilia, Britten’s lyrical yet challenging setting of Auden beautiful poem honouring the patron saint of music and musicians. Former teacher Steve Benson delivered the address recounting the life of Auden.

Last year our Charity Committee raised an incredible £23,486 for Holt Youth Project

Last year our pupils raised an amazing £23,486 for our main charity partner the Holt Youth Project. The pupils, involved in the school’s Charity Committee, worked hard throughout the academic year to raise money through a variety of innovative activities and events. On Wednesday 20th September Julie Alford, HYP Founder, joined the Senior School in Chapel to thank them for their donation and to share some of the wonderful and moving work the project has been involved in over the summer.  

This year’s Harvest Festival was celebrated in style

On Saturday 16th September, we celebrated Harvest Festival in style. Tractors stood proudly outside of the Chapel and inside our staff and pupils had a great time celebrating all things food with a fun game of Harvest themed Countdown! An enormous amount of produce was collected for the North Norfolk Foodbank which will go to support families in need across the local area.

Congratulations to Chloe-Leila who has been awarded a 2023 Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

Gresham’s is delighted to announce that Chloe-Leila (Oakeley, Year 12) has been awarded a 2023 Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. This scholarship is a highly prestigious national award designed to inspire engineers of the future, by providing financial support and industry mentoring throughout their A levels and beyond. The selection process is an extremely rigorous one, requiring candidates to submit a technical project and report, followed by sitting a two-hour aptitude exam and finally undergoing a challenging interview with a panel of academic and industry experts. Chloe-Leila’s extremely sophisticated medicine dispensing and monitoring design, controlled remotely by her online software application, was regarded by the panel as “highly commendable”.

Well done to our two girls Tennis teams who competed in the East Regional Finals

Well done to our two girls Tennis teams who, having won the County tournament in their respective age groups, went on to play Culford in the East Regional Finals. Tennis players at Culford are all on Tennis Scholarships, training for 15 hours a week, and so it is always exceptionally tough. Our junior team met two girls who are on the GB pathway and, whilst they fought hard, were heavily beaten. Our senior team did extremely well with Jemima M-E and Romilly H winning their singles 7-6 in exciting tie-breaks. This meant that after the singles round it was 2 matches all. Culford played some strong doubles resulting in them winning the rubber 4-2 but the girls did well to put up such a strong fight!