Notable, lost and remembered

Old Greshamians > Notable, Lost, and Remembered

A Gresham’s education enables our pupils to develop in a huge variety of areas and we have a tradition of producing outstanding achievers in all walks of life, creating architects, diplomats, engineers, musicians and many more. See the menu on the left to find out more about just some of our Old Greshamians. A list of our Military Roll of Honours is featured in our Archives Section.

Lost OGs

We have lost touch with some of our members over the years. If you (or any of your friends or family) do not receive regular communications from us we probably no longer have your current postal address. Please complete our online update form and we will amend our records.

OGs Remembered

All obituaries are published in our annual Old Greshamian Magazine. Please send obituaries or death notifications to or OG Club Office, Cromer Road, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6EA.