Reception begins the week with an introduction to our topic on Dark and Light. We all come together to find out where the light comes from. A very interesting conversation happens between the children about ‘what happens to the sun at night time?’
Independent Learning
The children are now very confident at accessing resources and challenging themselves within the classrooms. The areas are enhanced relating to a topic or a skill we would like the children to develop.
Letters and Sounds
In our daily letters and sounds session, we were learning a new sound. The sound today is ‘ar’. We have been practising hearing the sound in words, writing it and reading it in sentences.

After lunch Reception took the minibus up to the swimming pool at the Senior school. They have been working on ‘heads back and tummies up’ when doing backstroke!
We are focussing this week on number writing and sequencing numbers to 20. Today we worked in small groups to write our numbers to 10 on the lightboards.
Independent Learning
During Independent learning, we saw some lovely work on the light boards. The children were showing their creative skills by producing ‘fireworks’ and ‘planets’ with the glass beads and chains provided.
The children have been very excited about their parent’s tea party. They made cakes, sandwiches and fruit kebabs. The parents were invited to the classroom at the end of the day to enjoy the food and drinks and to look at what the children have been learning around the classroom.
Letters and Sounds
Our new sound today was ‘or’. We practised writing it in our busy books and reading it in words on cards.
PE was in the hall today as it was raining. The children have been practising catching and throwing accurately between partners and into hoops.
The children had their music lesson in the hall as they are all learning to play the steel pans. They are developing many skills in this lesson including listening, following instructions, repeating rhythms, to name but a few!
We started our day with a Mathematics session. We were carrying on with our work on numbers to 20 and today we were focussing on sequencing the numbers. We were using the language of before, after, one more than and one less than.
Independent Learning
We enjoy playing outdoors and the children have access to the outdoor courtyard during independent learning time. Two children today built a wonderful boat and were sailing all over the world.
Letters and Sounds
We continued today learning our new sound ‘or’. We wrote words with the sound in and practised putting ‘doorbells’ under the letters to show how many sounds are in the word.
OWLS (Outdoor Wild Learning School)
This afternoon we attended OWLS and had a fire. We discussed what was needed to have a fire and the children learnt about the fire triangle and fire safety. They then had the chance of toasting marshmallows and melting them in between chocolate digestives. What a treat! During the session, the children also have time for independent learning and investigate the woods with great enthusiasm.
On a Thursday Reception write in their OWLS diaries to keep a weekly record of what they have been doing. The children are encouraged to write independently and put photos in about their activities.
As part of our topic on Light and Dark, in Maths we were learning about stars and how you can use two triangles to create six-pointed star. There was lots of fine motor skill practise cutting out the shapes and sticking them together.
Thursday afternoon is our Specialist afternoon. The children have Music, French and Dance lessons. It was a busy afternoon full of lots of exciting activities.
We started the day with a Maths session revisiting our week of numbers to 20 and shapes.
Independent Learning
We were being creative in the Art Studio during independent learning making firework pictures. In the Art Studio the children are encouraged to use a variety of media and to take inspiration from a variety of sources. They came up with some wonderful ways to create firework pictures.
The children enjoy lunchtimes. It is a social occasion for the children practising their table manners and trying many different foods.
During the afternoon the children visit our library. They are able to choose a book to take home on a weekly basis and it is an opportunity for tea