Welcome from the Nursery and Pre-Prep Headmistress

There is no one more precious than our children. They are the future – and the future for a hopeful world. So our task at Gresham’s Pre-Prep is simple. Together we work to create an environment where happy, relaxed, calm, courteous and curious children can flourish and be their best.
Children’s well-being is fundamental to good learning. So first we ensure that your child feels safe and secure and that he/she feels valued and of significance. You will find strengths are celebrated and weaknesses supported. Caring staff and generous pupil-staff ratios ensure that we know your child as an individual.
We use a variety of means to do this. We consider children’s individual learning styles. We offer extensive curricular and extra-curricular activities. We harness children’s interest and curiosity both indoors and outdoors. We invite visitors from outside the school to share their experiences and skills with the children and we take pupils on visits to the wider world. Here, at Gresham’s Pre-Prep our staff team work alongside parents to give our pupils every opportunity to make the most of themselves and to enable them to do a little bit better than anyone thought possible – to reach for the stars!
We would be delighted to welcome you to Gresham’s Pre-Prep, please come and visit.