News All STEAM Education Senior Prep Pre-prep Alumni Prep, Senior Pupils have created an art installation in Chapel inspired by WH Auden Prep Well done to this year’s ABE Endorsed KidsMBA ‘Shark Tank’ event winners, ‘Sail Away’ Senior Gritty Grasshopper 2023 Senior Music from the Movies Senior Year 12 and 13 pupils visited three Buddhist centres representing different forms of Buddhism Senior The U15 girls cricket team won the third round of the National Cup Senior Year 12 pupils listened to the ‘Fatal 4’ Young Driver presentation Senior The Charity Committee organised a House rounders tournament Senior Tallis boys took to their heels for the annual ‘Farmer-Wright’ run Pre-prep, Prep, Senior Excellent ISI inspection reports for Gresham’s Senior, Prep and Pre-Prep Senior Pupils studying Music worked with Paul Weston, an award-winning expert in music technology Pre-prep Pre-Prep Eco committee invited Jess French to their assembly to discuss marine pollution Previous 1 39 40 41 59 Next Previous Next