May’s Music and Munch displayed a great range of musicians performing for the local community

Music and Munch in May displayed the great range of our Year 9 to 13 musicians in a lovely concert for our community. The concert opened with a mini-recital from Jimmy T, who gave assured performances of two vocal works by Fauré and Handel, showcasing an enormous vocal range. Next up was Arthur C, who had prepared thoroughly for his Music and Munch debut, with a trumpet piece by our very own David Stowell. Isadora A treated the audience to a beautiful solo violin Elegy by Jeffery Wilson, and Peter R gave a sensitive performance of Scarlatti’s Piano Sonata in G minor for his first Music and Munch performance; both were packed with musicality. The concert closed with a stunning performance by the Crickets, Gresham’s elite close-voice ensemble, singing Hey Nonny No and Small Rain from Humphrey Clucas Songs of Farewell. They were an outstanding ensemble – well done to Johnny D, Beatrice G, Jake O, Tamsin S, Freddie S, Ruby S and Jimmy T. Please do join us for the final Music and Munch of the academic year on Friday 9th June.