Congratulations to our ESU debating team for progressing through the first round of the competition

Congratulations to Miranda H-S, Mojuba A and Eva O’D in progressing through the first round of the English-Speaking Union Mace Debating Competition after four hours of online debating.  

The team successfully won their debate, defending the motion: This House Believes that environmental campaigning should focus on changing government policy rather than individual behaviours.   

They were then also selected as one of the top three teams going forward to the in-person second round in January 2024.  

In feedback, both judges praised the team’s reasoned argument, use of evidence, range of sources, listening and response to POIs, the command of pace, emotive language and oratory, and how they worked together as a team.  

Thanks too to our reserves Aziz M (who was present throughout and took part in a floor debate) and Kitty R.