Concerto Recital 

On Monday 3rd June, six of our foremost instrumentalists were given the rare opportunity to work with a professional string quartet in an evening workshop, developing their skills performing classical concert repertoire and leading an ensemble. They then went on to perform their solos alongside the quartet in a recital on Wednesday 5th June to a large and appreciative audience. Milan H arranged 8 minutes of music from John Powell’s soundtrack of How To Train Your Dragon for piano and string quartet which he very impressively performed from memory. Emily M performed a movement from Boccherini’s last Piano Quintet, Meg O on clarinet performed the lyrical ‘Forlana’ from Finzi’s Five Bagatelles and Ferdinand von D performed the slow movement of the 1st Piano Quintet by Louise Farrenc. Sophie L gave performances on both clarinet and saxophone – of the famous 2nd movement of the Mozart Clarinet Concerto and Shostakovich’s popular Waltz No 2, and Isadora A played the principal solo part in the second movement of Bach’s Double Violin Concerto.