CCF Summer Field Days

The 17th & 18th June were action packed CCF days. The whole of the Year 9 recruit cohort were involved in assessment of their expedition skills with navigation, campcraft, first aid and trekking activities. They also had the chance to try archery, air rifle target sprint and clay simulator shooting.

Year 10 experienced military training according to section with the Royal Navy section afloat doing sailing qualification courses at Hickling Broad, the Army section completing field craft skills including blank firing battle simulations as well as live firing at Swanton Morley and the RAF section learning skills as varied as archery, rocketry, raft building and paddlesport. This also gave opportunity to see the senior NCOs develop their leadership skills, whether leading a section attack, coordinating a team or delivering a lesson. The full range of military and adventurous activities available through the CCF were on display over these two days.