Queens’ College, Oxford launched the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators in 2020, in partnership with the Stephen Spender Trust. It aims to promote language learning and motivate pupils to study modern foreign languages.
Last year, Kitty R in Year 11 and now studying French A level, won the East Region Competition. This year, the French department have extended the competition to Years 9, 10, 12 and 13 and the best entrants have been put forward in each category, having blended accuracy with a creative twist.
In the Year 9 category, translating Victor Hugo’s La Méridienne du Lion Ted Gostling, Charlotte F, Erin O, George R-L and Max C’s translations were submitted. The Year 10 pupils translated a humorous extract from Faïza Guène’s, Un homme, ça ne pleure pas. Zinnia C-B, Romilly H, Oliver M, Kit P, Mia W, Isadora A and Tilly L were put forward. Marguerite Yourcenar’s challenging Vers gnomiques, was the task at Sixth Form level: Kitty R, hoping to repeat last year’s success and Phoebe W were entered.
Well done to all pupils and we wish them the best of luck for the regional and national judging: results will be announced next term.