Geography pupils enjoyed playing the jelly baby population game

A level Geography pupils enjoyed playing the jelly baby population game. This fun simulation game helped pupils explore a range of factors which influence or alter a countries fertility and mortality rates over time. 

Well done to Kitty and Daisy who have completed their DELF (French Language) exams

At the end of Year 12, A level French pupils, Kitty R and Daisy W travelled to Cambridge to complete their DELF (Diplôme d’études en Langue Française) B1 exams, a day of exams in listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is all conducted in French and pupils are fully immersed. DELF (French language), diplomas are awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the level of French-language skills of non-French speakers. Level B1 indiciates that you are an independent user of French and you also need it to obtain French nationality. The diplomas are valid for life and recognised all around the world. Kitty and Daisy completed this alongside their A level studies, so a big well done to both on this internationally recognised qualification.

Penny from School Readers spoke to pupils in Chapel after they raised £550 for the charity

It was great to welcome Penny from the charity School Readers to Senior School Chapel on Wednesday morning. She spoke movingly about the difference good literacy skills can make in a person’s life and how reading can be a powerful force for positive social change. She also thanked our Year 10 and 11 pupils for the £550 they helped to raise for the charity during the Big Coronation Help Out earlier in the year.

Gresham’s cellists took part in a concert at All Saints Church in Briston

Three Gresham’s cellists – Mia W, Milan H and Zinny B – took part in the launch concert of the Twin Tracks Upcycling Festival at All Saints Church in Briston on Tuesday evening. They performed Franz Schubert’s Serenade as a trio and then Zinny went on to perform a solo of Bach’s Bourree No. 1 from Cello Suite No. 3. The performance was greatly received by a packed-out audience in the church.  

The pupils were also fortunate to witness a performance of Briston’s famous 300-year-old iron cello.  

The festival is raising money for the repair of local churches and more details of the events being held may be found by clicking here.

This year’s Enrichment Lectures began with a talk marking the 22nd anniversary of 9/11

The enrichment lectures got off to a superb start with a presentation on the Impact of World Disasters, marking the 22nd Anniversary of 9/11. Gresham’s Historians Mr Kinder and Mr O’Donnell delivered a poignant talk and historical timeline to a packed sixth form pupil audience in the Auden Theatre.

Year 9 English pupils are studying an Experiences of War unit

To complement the History Department’s upcoming battlefields trip, Year 9 are studying an Experiences of War unit in English lessons to gain an insight into the experience of conflict from a range of different perspectives. One famous poem the pupils might study is Charge of Light Brigade by Alfed Lord Tennyson. Big School Hall is an excellent venue for re-enacting the battle with paper canons! 

Our international cohort enjoyed a Welcome Tea Party

On Thursday, our international cohort at the Senior School – both returning pupils and those new to the school – got together for a Welcome Tea Party in the library. Despite the heat there was a real buzz with pupils from 16 different countries getting to know each other, swapping experiences and picking up tips on school life.  

Prefects formed human pyramids to demonstrate the effectiveness of strong foundations

Mrs Alexander led Chapel on Wednesday morning on the topic of kindness and resilience. To give a visual example of how effective strong foundations are, this year’s prefect team formed two human pyramids. No prefects were harmed in the making of the pyramids and the message was well received by the pupils.

Arkell House has been declared open by John Arkell

A new, co-educational day house, Arkell, has been officially opened at Gresham’s Senior School. Arkell was declared open yesterday by John Arkell, Headmaster of Gresham’s 1991-2002, accompanied by Douglas Robb, Headmaster, and some of Arkell’s new pupils.

Arkell is the first day house at Gresham’s and follows the model of an independent day school closing at 5.30pm each day. To reflect this, the school fees are similar to those of local, independent day schools.

Pupils in Arkell can enjoy the depth and breadth of a Gresham’s education alongside all other day and boarding pupils and are encouraged to participate fully in the academic and co-curricular activities on offer. We look forward to their participation in House Competitions!

Gresham’s is once again celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE results

Gresham’s is once again celebrating as another set of fantastic results have been achieved by our pupils this summer, this time for our Year 11’s. Results show significant improvement on 2019 results in all metrics, from top grades to pass rate, despite the media reporting that results would return to those levels. In fact, the pass rate is higher than that of 2022, when grading was more generous, and A*-B/9-6 grades are up to the highest level in recent memory, excepting the years of alternative grading systems. Almost 50% of GCSE exams were graded at A*, A, 9, 8 or 7.

Our highest achieving pupils have excelled: one has achieved the extraordinary distinction of all 9’s and 16 pupils have an average of 8 and above, while we have also received an email from the OCR exam board informing us that one of our GCSE Art & Design: Three-Dimensional Design pupils has been awarded a certificate as one of the highest performers in the world this year, as the Dyson Building continues to provide our pupils access to the facilities necessary to achieve these exceptional outcomes.

We are particularly thrilled to share the news that 75 pupils have at least one grade 9 or 8 this year, showing that Greshamians are being recognised for their individual talents, achieving excellent results across the full breadth of subjects on offer – and there were an impressive 41 subject options reporting results this year!