On Wednesday 13th March, a group of 18 pupils in Years 11 and 12 went to the UEA Sacré Theatre production of Toujours 1789. 1789 was originally performed at the Milan Festival in 1970, then taken up by the Théâtre du Soleil in Paris. Sacré Theatre at the UEA is the UK’s longest-running permanent French language theatre company and they are a permanent fixture in our calendar: we are so lucky to have them on our doorstep. It is always an immensely enjoyable evening, and this year was no exception.
This year’s production combined key episodes of the French Revolution, from early attempts to reform the monarchy to the queen’s execution, with light musical intervals largely drawn from the vast repertoire of revolutionary and other contemporary songs. For our pupils, it was an introduction to this cataclysmic episode of French history and a timely response to how revolution, born from a desire to change a tyrannical status quo can itself descend into tyranny. However, it wasn’t all serious: ‘Royals, nobles and clergy vs the People. Marie-Antoinette, Robespierre, The Storming of La Bastille, Declaration of the Rights of Man, jugglers, royals on the run, la guillotine, revolutionary songs, audience participation – something for everyone!’
We look forward to next year’s offering.