Two pupil-led productions took the Auden theatre by storm

Two world premieres – written, directed, performed and crewed by pupils – took the Auden by storm over two back-to-back Fridays. Both productions brought the audience to their feet on two unforgettable evenings that celebrated the joy of live theatre.  

First up was Office Eclipse on 3rd November. This was a farcical, dark comedy written and directed by Spike C with original sound design by Eduvie O. The tightknit ensemble took the audience on a nightmarish descent into comic chaos, witnessed by the near obliteration of the set by the end of the night.  

Company Spike C, Eduvie O, Harry L, Larkin A, Will B, Angelika J, Beowulf O, Dougie L, Jimmy T 

Next up was Not A Cult the musical on Friday 10th November written and directed by Larkin A and Emma C. Based on a Ten-Minute play of the same name the writers were joined by Jimmy T to add lyrics and music. A joyously committed acting company- many of whom had performed the week before in Office Eclipse took to the stage in an extraordinary and bizarre comic horror with live music, a central love story, a villainous cult and a demanding pineapple god causing on stage human into apple transformations. 

Company Larkin A, Jimmy T, Will B, Jaz C, Tamsin S, Taylor S, Ruby S 

Gresham’s School inspires the next generation of musicians with their continued status as an All Steinway School

To celebrate Gresham’s continuing our Steinway Status, and the delivery new pianos, we took advantage of the offer of Steinway that the pianos could be put anywhere. We felt that the perfect place would be the Dyson Building, with the pianos perfectly encapsulating these elements. 17 of the new pianos were placed around the central area, inviting pupils from across the Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior Schools to take part in a once in a generation concert.  

On 8th November we welcomed parents and guests to the concert, with a rousing opening of ‘Jupiter’ fro Holts ‘The Planets Suite’ played across 5 pianos, Jimmy T, Matilda F, Ferdinand V, Milan H, Emily M, Mr. Carr, Mr Wolfe and Mr Jones, with the 12 remaining pianos played by 30 pupils playing the Hymn ‘I Vow To Thee My Country’. Hummer W and Hansen W from the Prep school performed a Duet ‘Dancing With The Moon’ with beautiful tone and fluency. ‘Every’ composed by Thomas Carr, Music teacher and Head of Instrumental Studies brought 3 pianos and 3 vocalists, Benny S, Jimmy T, Hattie W, Mia W, Naomi H and Zinnia C brought the imagery of Norfolk skies to the Dyson building. Oscar B performed a Sky Full of Stars and the concert was brought to a close with ‘Time Lapse’ played by all pupils across all pianos.  

The pianos were then swiftly put into their new homes across the three schools to continue to offer opportunities for our pupils and community groups for the next fifteen years.  

Our anti-bullying ambassadors spoke about verbal bullying in Chapel

The anti-bullying ambassadors presented to the senior school this morning on the topic of verbal bullying and the pernicious nature of banter. The pupils spoke about being an upstander not a bystander and signposted all the people in our community who can help.

Well done to Woodlands who have won the House chess tournament

The past two weeks have seen the houses go head-to-head in a riveting and electric interhouse chess tournament. Players have improved their practice and etiquette, showing the true sporting behaviour expected in tournament rules chess. After the qualifying rounds Tallis and Howson’s played for third position with Woodlands and Farfield competing for first in the final. The qualifying rounds saw two-minute finishes, stalemates, victories against tournament favourites, tides change halfway through and games run to time. After a coin toss by those teams gaining highest points in the qualifying rounds, each house played three rounds. Two points were awarded for a win, one point for a draw and zero for a loss. Congratulations to all those playing in the final: Theo A, Nikolaus P, Erik T, Pablo B, Arthur C, Ferdinand V, Charles C, Jamie P, Benny S, Tomas R, Jamie P and Vasilii B. A special mention goes to Lydia F of Edinburgh and Kyla C Oakeley for outstanding performances in the qualifying stages. The results of the final, held in the prestigious Fishmongers’ Hall in Britten Building were:


Board 1 – Woodlands win

Board 2 – Woodlands win

Board 3 – Woodlands win

Congratulations to Theo A, Nikolaus P and Erik T.


Board 1 – Tallis win

Board 2 – Howson’s win

Board 3 – Howson’s win

Congratulations to Charles C, Jamie P and Benny S

Congratulations to our ESU debating team for progressing through the first round of the competition

Congratulations to Miranda H-S, Mojuba A and Eva O’D in progressing through the first round of the English-Speaking Union Mace Debating Competition after four hours of online debating.  

The team successfully won their debate, defending the motion: This House Believes that environmental campaigning should focus on changing government policy rather than individual behaviours.   

They were then also selected as one of the top three teams going forward to the in-person second round in January 2024.  

In feedback, both judges praised the team’s reasoned argument, use of evidence, range of sources, listening and response to POIs, the command of pace, emotive language and oratory, and how they worked together as a team.  

Thanks too to our reserves Aziz M (who was present throughout and took part in a floor debate) and Kitty R.  

Year 11 History pupils visited a once secret nuclear bunker in Essex

As part of Gresham’s November 2023 STEAM weeks, the History Department took most Year 11 GCSE History pupils on a day trip to visit the once secret nuclear bunker at Kelvedon Hatch in Essex. 

During the visit, the Year 11 historians discovered the threats of nuclear confrontation in the Cold War and the steps that were taken to keep the government going following the outbreak of World War Three. 

The Kelvedon Hatch Nuclear Bunker was originally built in the 1950s as part of the RAF’s air defence network, but from the late 1960s until the early 1990s it became the proposed headquarters of Britain’s emergency regional government, should a nuclear conflict occur. It was intended to house 600 personnel for a period of three months.  

Pupils entered the fake bungalow that disguised the true purpose of the site and then ventured down the 91-metre tunnel before exploring the three floors of the hidden bunker system, 38 metres underground. They visited the government communications room, the medical treatment area, and even the radio room from which the British Prime Minister was to have broadcast to the nation following the outbreak of World War Three.  

Our U16 rugby team have been crowned county champions

The U16 rugby team were once again crowned county champions yesterday. After a draw with Wymondham in the first match they required 61 points in the second game to progress. The team miraculously achieved this meeting Norwich in the final. A scrappy game ensued with Gresham’s coming out victors 6-5. The team performed bravely with player of the tournament being awarded to William B and tackle of the day going to Thomas R-C.

The English Department Poetry Recital 2023 culminated in a wonderful final this term

Twenty pupils from Year 9-13 got through to the Junior or Senior finals, choosing to either recite their own poem or one by another author. Mr Hazlewood, Mrs O’Brien and Mr Stromberg, who assisted Mrs Sharrock with the judging, were all blown away by the quality of the entrants and the maturity with which they delivered their poem to the audiences in the Auden theatre. Many thanks to the senior school pupils, parents, staff and Year 7 Prep pupils who attended and supported this event. From the finalists shown below, prizes were awarded to:

Alissa M – Junior Champion

Sam H – Highly commended (Junior Competition)

Miriam G – Highly Commended (Junior Competition)

Zinnia-Claire B – Senior Champion

Beowulf O – Highly Commended (Senior Competition)

Heidi W – Highly Commended (Senior Competition)

All six pupils received a signed and personalised copy of Harry Baker’s poetry anthology ‘The Sunshine Kid’ as well as an Amazon voucher. The Champions will also be presented with the Poetry Recital Cup at Final Assembly this term.

Junior Finalists 

Adeola A (9) I am Mixed by Adeola A

Miriam G (9) If I Could Tell You by W H Auden 

Alex H (9) Vitai Lampada by Sir Henry Newbolt 

Johnnie O (9) Inauthentic by Anonymous 

Scarlett H (10) The Writer’s World by Rachel Huckel 

Sam H (10) The Pheasant at My Window by Sam H

Joey M (9) Dinglebank by Edward Lear 

Daniel M (10) Adlestrop by Edward Thomas 

Alissa M (10) 21 by Patrick Roche 

Alex P (10) The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost 

Pullo W (10) High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Junior 

Senior Finalists

Zinnia-Claire B (11) Dear Brain by Zinnia-Claire B

Cerys D (11) My November Guest by Robert Frost 

Beowulf O (13) The Ruin by Anonymous 

Ruby P (11) In Flanders Field by John McRae 

Tomas R (11) The Tyger by William Blake  

Harry S (11) A Last Request by Anonymous 

Mia W (11) Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost 

Heidi W (11) The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll 

Andre W (11) Half-past Two by U A Fanthorpe 

One pupil has made a chess board out of fabric as part of the IB Diploma

As part of the IB Diploma, pupils have to undertake creative activities. One pupil has been designing and making chess boards, this one having squares made from different fabrics.

The Rifle Club travelled to Bisley for the English Schools Long Range Championships

On Saturday 11th November, the Rifle Club travelled to Bisley for the annual English Schools Long Range Championships. Gresham’s took a large squad (16 pupils), of mixed abilities, to the match. For a good number of the team, this was their first small-bore match away from school, so it was a totally new experience for them. It was a massive learning curve for the newer shots in the team and they all performed fantastically well. There were 160 competitors, in total, from 16 different schools. Ilana B just missed out on winning her age group by a single point but Marcella B, George B and Oliver R all won their age groups, with George B being the top shot out of all competitors on the day and scoring 195 / 200. The top shots in the Gresham’s team were outstanding during the match. George B and Georgie B finished 3rd in the Senior Pairs and Marcella B and Grace S finished 3rd in the Junior Pairs. The Gresham’s Team of IV ‘A’ team shot fantastically well and finished in second place, just behind Charterhouse, the eventual winners.

Thank you to all those members of the team, and staff, that took the time to attend the match.