Gritty Grasshopper 2024

The 2024 edition of The Gritty Grasshopper has reached its muddy, wet, stench-filled conclusion! Hundreds of pupils took part and represented their Houses in this fantastic whole school event. The costumes were extraordinary, the laughter was infectious and the team spirit on display was truly heart warming. 

Well done to everyone that took part in the Gritty Grasshopper 2024. It was the closest and fastest race we have had to date! Before we get to the results, let us just talk about fancy dress…there were some great fancy dress outfits this time around with an extra special mention to the Edinburgh Year 10 scuba rescue team, and all those that attempted it in a onesie, a tougher challenge than some may think. Maybe a new category for next year’s event? Also, we do have a couple of wigs that fell off while you were venturing about the course, so let us know if you are missing one otherwise Father Jack will add them to his dressing up box.

This fantastic whole school event saw over 180 pupils take part. The Houses came together to raise some much-needed funds for the Holt Youth Project, at the last count the total was about £3,500. If you still wish to donate, you can do so here

As usual there are a few different categories; the team race, the House race, and the ultimate winners; which is a combination of the House race time and total funds raised by the House. To work this out, we subtracted the total pennies raised from the Houses’ total time. This year we also had the newcomers; Arkell, this added a little spice to the race calculations, as they are currently only able to enter one team, but for the first time in the main race’s history, it was a mixed team.

The top 11 teams finished the course within 5 minutes of each other, making it the fastest GG we have had so far. Joint third fastest with 36 minutes were Tallis Year 12, Farfield Year 10 and Woodlands Year 10. Finishing in 34 minutes were the joint second fastest teams; Arkell’s Year 12 co-ed team and Tallis Year 9 who must be a team to watch out for going forward. Another upcoming team to watch out for is the Oakeley Year 10 team who managed to take second place in the Year 10 overall race. The fastest team on the day was the Woodlands Year 12 team who finished in 32 minutes, which is a new course record.

Next, House totals. When we added together the times of all year groups within each House, we see that Tallis came in third with a total time of 111 minutes, Farfield a close second with 110 minutes and Woodlands the fastest house on the day with a total of 105 minutes.

All the Houses made an amazing effort to raise funds this year, with more money raised before the event than ever before. Our top four fundraisers are in reverse order: fourth place Howson’s, third place Oakeley, second place Tallis and in front by a considerable amount, Queens’. 

The Ultimate race winners and those taking away the prized Gritty Grasshopper again this year are Woodlands.  

100 volunteers helping the local community

Around 100 pupils in the services programme volunteered in the local community. There were many groups scattered across North Norfolk such as at Eve’s Hill Veg company, the Felbeck trust and along the River Glaven. Students worked in allotments, in gardens and at commercial vegetable growing sites. Jobs included: weeding, clearing beds for new crops, potting on young plants and watering.

At the Treehouse community café in Holt there was outdoor furniture to paint for their new sensory garden. At St Andrew’s church a team were working in the churchyard garden and also at St Martin’s church, Hindringham.

Twelve students volunteered at Holt and Kelling Primary schools where they assisted with an Art workshop led by artist Mary Blue. Another group were at Holt Youth Project helping to sort clothes for their second-hand shop and there was lots of maintenance jobs too. Rose T and Sophia P created a piano and voice recital which they performed to residents at Lloyd court, Kelling and Heath Lodge Care in Holt.

There was a jaunt to Norwich with a visit to the shrine of Julian of Norwich and the Castle Museum with the Roger Ackling exhibition whilst another group hiked to the coast and picked litter along the shingle beach.

Meanwhile in school there was plenty to be done with the charity knitting group, making the labyrinth in chapel and maintenance work and gardening in Tallis.

It was a brilliant two days of volunteering and well done to everyone who got involved.

Pupils working towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award have enjoyed recent successes

Gresham’s DofE participants have received a certificate recognising their contribution towards volunteering in the twelve months ending April 24. They have achieved 6,162 hours with a social value of £32,534.

Pupils have also been working hard to complete their Gold award.

Four Year 9 pupils delivered an excellent talk on Diabetes

Last week four Year 9 pupils bravely stood up in front of the whole school in Chapel to deliver an excellent talk on Diabetes. Harry, Isaac, Will and Alex included a fun quiz in their presentation which ensured everyone left feeling both entertained and better informed.

Languages Symposium 

Year 12 pupils studying languages joined for a language symposium in TIG’s cafe where they showcased their chosen research topics for their A level oral exam. Pupils and staff asked questions and discussed the various subjects, enabling pupils to expand upon and refine their avenues of research. Well done to all on their efforts and good luck for their research over the summer. 

Maddi W – The Mental Health Crisis in Spain 

Josh K – The Spanish Aviation Industry 

Lucio C – Biodiversity/Conservation in Madagascar 

Bea C-L– Notre Dame and the role it plays in French heritage 

Faith R – The Haitian revolution and its legacy  

Tara G – Haute couture versus the rise of ‘Prêt-à-Porter’ (off the peg clothing) 

Isabelle H – Marie Curie’s key findings in developing cures for cancer 

Amelia H – Existentialism as a product of post-war France 

Sophie L – Debussy & peers, how their music put French music onto the international stage 

LAMDA pupils spent the afternoon with The Norfolk Photographer to film showreel material

An afternoon was recently spent with The Norfolk Photographer, filming LAMDA drama pupils for showreel material and taking a few informal headshots in the Fishmongers’ Hall. Many pupils are keen to collate footage of their performances to use for possible casting agents and drama school auditions – quite apart from it being a lovely reminder of fun times spent living the lives of many and varied characters!

Pupils created a special Labyrinth on the floor in Chapel

Pupils created a special Labyrinth on the floor in Chapel in the penultimate week of term. Labyrinths are ancient pathways found across the world, most famously in some of Europe’s major Cathedrals. They offer space for reflection and inner stillness in a busy world.

The beautiful pathway was constructed by a group of pupils using natural materials. Staff and pupils have the opportunity to walk around the Labyrinth, taking time to reflect and unwind at the end of a busy school year.

Year 12 UCAS Discovery Exhibition

On 10th June the whole of Year 12 went on a morning of ‘Discovery’ to the UCAS exhibition at the Norfolk Showground.

They are working hard on researching their next steps after Gresham’s and took advantage of chatting to over 100 university and apprenticeship representatives to find out more.

Hopefully this has inspired them to start work on their personal statements or CVs over the long summer break!

Gresham’s has once again submitted an application for the Green Flag Award

The Green Flag Award is a prestigious international accreditation granted to schools participating in the Eco-Schools program. Administered by Keep Britain Tidy, this award recognises schools that excel in environmental education and sustainable practices. To achieve the Green Flag, schools must follow the Seven Step Framework and complete at least three themes related to environmental awareness, conservation, and community engagement. It’s a symbol of commitment to fostering eco-consciousness among students and promoting positive environmental impact.

Team Eco have been working hard this academic year to meet the requirements. This year they have recycled more, reduced both the school’s electricity cost and plate waste in the CFB. The biodiversity is improving on the school grounds with areas for rewilding, reconstructing the pond to have different depths to support more wildlife and also recycling crisp packets as well as clothes. Macey T and Tara G delivered a brilliant chapel talk to inform the school of achievements. Inez C and Jemima C helped to write the talk.  Team Eco recognise the importance of being positive and that everyone can make a difference to our natural world no matter how big or small. To quote Barabara Milkulski, “Each of us can make a difference, together we can make a change.

CCF Summer Field Days

The 17th & 18th June were action packed CCF days. The whole of the Year 9 recruit cohort were involved in assessment of their expedition skills with navigation, campcraft, first aid and trekking activities. They also had the chance to try archery, air rifle target sprint and clay simulator shooting.

Year 10 experienced military training according to section with the Royal Navy section afloat doing sailing qualification courses at Hickling Broad, the Army section completing field craft skills including blank firing battle simulations as well as live firing at Swanton Morley and the RAF section learning skills as varied as archery, rocketry, raft building and paddlesport. This also gave opportunity to see the senior NCOs develop their leadership skills, whether leading a section attack, coordinating a team or delivering a lesson. The full range of military and adventurous activities available through the CCF were on display over these two days.