Pupils have experienced a diverse range of subjects during Academic Enrichment Talks this half term
8 December 2022

Sixth Form pupils have experienced a diverse range of subjects for the Academic Enrichment Talks to expand subject classroom learning and knowledge, challenge thinking and create discussion.
For the last two talks of term we welcomed two guest speakers.
The first was Dipi McKernan. Dipi works in Financial Services for Fidelity Holdings Ltd. in London. She gave pupils an insight on how to succeed and talked about opportunities in the finance services sector, but her key message was to share how the financial services industry have had to adapt their culture to deal with recent changes in the world, including diversity and inclusion, dynamic working and sustainability. Dipi showcased that financial services are pushing forward with ESG (environmental, social, governance).
Find out more about Dipi McKernan by clicking here.
the second was Bob Goodson, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, user interface designer, and an early pioneer of social media. Bob shared practical tools and inspiration for career and education decisions in any field with examples from his own journey.
Read more about Bob Goodson by clicking here.
The final talk was with Emma Cole. Emma spoke to the L6th honestly and with humour during her ‘Positive Voice’ talk. She talked about being diagnosed HIV positive as a young heterosexual woman in the early 1990s and how treatment has progressed as a ‘long term survivor’ (31 years), but possibly not the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS. Her thought provoking talk led to questions as her annual visits always do.
Drama & Careers visit to Thursford Christmas Extravaganza
The Cushing Family kindly gave tickets for drama sixth form pupils and staff to attend the show. This was a superb opportunity for pupils to gain an insight into a large scale production involving performers, choreography, costume, staging, lighting, live music and all the roles and expertise required.