Five pupils have made it to the finals of a national poetry project

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a national poetry project, led by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy. In the Eastern region, the competition is being led by Routes into Languages East and this year, five pupils of French at Gresham’s – Phoebe W, and from left to right, Issi L, Ella L, Ruby P and Romilly H – were all shortlisted in the East Region category (Other Tongue) for their original poems. They will all receive certificates and their work will be published in an anthology alongside other shortlisted regional entrants. This is a fantastic achievement and we wish them the very best of luck as their entries move forward for judging in the final, which takes place in March.

Our Rifle Club excelled at the British Schools Winter Open

On the last Saturday of Michaelmas Term, the Rifle Club travelled to Bisley for the annual British Schools Winter Open. We took two good teams, one of which had a large amount of experience and ability, the other which was made up of several young, newer members of the Rifle Club looking to gain some valuable experience. Our ‘A’ team went to the match extremely confident and certainly had the ability to win. Numbers were slightly down this year, with 148 competitors at the competition, from 13 different schools around the country, and the majority of the ‘big’ shooting schools were represented. Each Individual had to shoot four times, to give a total out of 400. The good number of newer shots that we took to the competition all shot very well but it was Ilana B and Alma DR who both shot way beyond their three months of experience and both finished in the top 100 in the Individual. It was the senior members of the team however, that really showed their talent. Belle W was 18th out of the 148, Georgie C was 11th, George B was 2nd and Georgina B won the British Schools Individual Championships with a superb score of 389 (x400). Georgina B and Belle W also won both the Junior and Senior Pairs for Gresham’s. Georgina B and Belle W, along with Hannah B and Georgie C narrowly (by just two points) missed out on winning the ‘Team of IV’ competition and then had to settle for third place in the ‘Team of VIII’ competition with team mates George B, Avis F, Xenia P and Alex S. Out of a possible 3,200 points the Gresham’s ‘A’ team finished just 10 points behind Wellington College, the competition winners.

Huge congratulations to all members of the Rifle Club but particularly to Georgina B on continuing her phenomenal form right now and possibly being the top small-bore shot in schools shooting at this moment in time.

Our Music Department share the Christmas joy

Holkham Candelight Musical Tour & Concert

The Music Department was delighted to take part in a fundraising evening on Thursday 1st December, to launch the Christmas Candlelight Tours around Holkham Hall. Planning began several weeks ago, to provide music for some of the beautifully decorated state rooms as well as programming a special concert in the Marble Hall. Musicians from Alderman Peel High School in Wells joined our musicians, with singers and instrumentalists playing in the Saloon and the Marble Hall during the tours before they too took part in the main concert.

The concert in the Marble Hall was programmed as two distinctive halves. Given the standard of our singers, the department was able to stage an abridged version of Schubert’s ‘Winterreise’ (Winter journey). This song cycle is a challenge for a professional singer and it was a proud moment to watch Ruby S, Johnny D, Tamsin S and Julius R not just perform, but really master with such aplomb this piece. Schola joined them in the first half and Elgar’s ‘The Snow’, with violin accompaniment from Ilana B and Isadora A was a stand out moment.

After interval drinks in the Saloon, Brass Ensemble opened a lighter second half. ‘White Christmas’, ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘All I want for Christmas is You’ got everyone’s feet tapping, with some excellent jingle bell action from a certain trumpeter! Two Ukrainian pupils from APHS treated the audience to an emotional first verse of ‘Carol of the Bells’ sung in Ukranian, and Gresham’s Strings players joined in accompanying the APHS choir in Gjeilo’s ‘The Rose’. Further Christmas pieces from Schola concluded with Chilcott’s ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, a version with many unexpected twists and turns and surprises, which is always a refreshing change from the well-known traditional version!

The audience showed their appreciation with extended applause and the proceeds of the evening will greatly help the two benefactors, St Withburga’s Church and Gresham’s charity, the Holt Youth Project.


This event is always a favourite with our wider community and for those that know Handel’s work well, a chance to dust down a loved-score and come along on the day and sing an abridged version of this great work. For our pupils, it provides the experience of getting to grips with some beautiful arias and performing with an orchestra – a mix of peripatetic staff, invited professionals and our own instrumentalists. This year was no exception and although it was a very cold and frosty night, those who braved the wintery temperatures were treated to a rousing performance of Messiah, with notable solo performances. The School Chaplain, Rev Branford ran a wonderful bar in the interval, offering the chance to have a glass of something festive whilst raising money for the School Charity, The Holt Youth Project.

Our Choral Society next term is a chance to sing Mendelssohn’s ‘Elijah‘. Rehearsals commence on Thursday 12th January. Contact Fiona Ross [email protected] for further information and to be added to our mailing list to hear about future events.  

Choir to Fishmongers’ Hall

The end of the Michaelmas Term is a busy one for all choir members, and for Schola Cantorum it means two visits to Fishmongers’ Hall in London to sing at the Livery Dinner. Our Heads of School attend this formal dinner which takes place in the Banqueting Hall, and the choir sing on the very impressive double staircase whilst guests arrive and later entertain during courses. The Carol Service in St Magnus the Martyr Church a few days later, is a chance to see the Fishmongers in their finery and enjoy another trip to London.

Gresham’s flagship ensembles share Christmas music

All of Gresham’s flagship ensembles have shared Christmas music with the school. On Monday, Concert Band performed a foot-tapping rendition of ‘Feliz Navidad’ alongside the Christmas hits ‘Sleigh Ride’ and ‘Fairytale of New York’ to an appreciative audience in the Chapel. 

During Chapel last week, pupils were treated to a preview of the latest Gresham’s Girls single. This was followed by String Ensemble playing ‘Let It Snow’ and ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ and Brass Ensemble performing ‘Carol Fantasy’. The Chapel concluded with Gresham’s Guys 2022. 

It’s not just pupils who have been sharing the Christmas cheer – the staff choir have also been rehearsing for a performance this term.

This has been a wonderful way for Gresham’s musicians to showcase all their hard work in ensemble rehearsals this term, and a great way to spread Christmas cheer through the School!

Well done to pupils who have taken LAMDA exams recently

Well done to pupils who have recently taken LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) exams. Spike C took his Grade 7 (silver medal) in Solo Acting, Yssy D took her Grade 5 in Solo Acting, Seb W & Luca H both took their Grade 6 (silver medal) in Duologue Acting and Freddie L took his Grade 5 in Solo Acting.

There is now a period of time to wait until the New Year for the exam results but all pupils seemed happy and confident with their performances. These medal grade exams also achieve valuable additional UCAS points for pupils.

History STEAM Trench Competition 2022 

The standard was incredibly high this year, with many entries making the final short list. Mr Hazelwood judged this year’s entries and came up with an overall top three ranking. Emilie G came in third place for an excellent model with sound effects and Ilana B took second place for an outstanding cross section complete with full annotations and lovely additional details such as Reginald the Rat. Theo H, Will B and Rafe C came first with their life-size trench system construction alongside a film of the trenches and a filmed reconstruction of a trench attack.

Congratulations to all of the winners, who will receive Amazon vouchers as a prize.

Pre-Prep enjoyed an assembly on kindness led by Year 8

Pre-Prep children were treated to a super assembly on kindness, led by a handful of our Prep School Year 8 pupils. They talked about how we can be kind, and they acted out Aesop’s Fable, ‘The Lion and the Mouse’. Pre-Prep children loved joining in with the interactive assembly and came away from it with lots of ideas of how to be kind.

Year 7 pupils have enjoyed salsa dancing lessons

Year 7 Spanish have had a cultural interlude this week where they learnt a bit about Cuba and did some research into the history of Salsa (the dance, not the sauce). Then on Thursday they were treated to a salsa lesson with our fabulous dance teacher, Lucy, who had them all grooving and moving to the beat in no time. Olé!

Prep School featured in The Cricketer Schools Guide 2023

We are delighted to announce that Gresham’s Prep School has been featured as a top 50 Prep School in the UK in The Cricketer magazine. It is a fantastic achievement to be featured after a thorough selection process, in which hundreds of schools sent in entries to be featured in the list. All entries were then judged against an extensive set of criteria, which included a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture programmes and coaching.

This is also telling of the hard work that our cricket teams put in to achieve results, which has payed dividends for both boys and girls cricket teams, who had impressive seasons last year. The Girls U13A and B teams ended their season last summer with wins against Wisbech Grammar School and Norwich School respectively, topped off with a win at the St Joseph’s College six-a-side tournament. The U13 boys team ended their season winning the County Cup. These are fantastic results for our Prep cricket teams and very promising looking towards next season.

Gresham’s sports fantastic facilities for our budding cricketers, who have the opportunity to develop their skills all year round with the use of the Bola Meryln indoor bowling machine. Cricket is the main sport for Boys and Girls in the Prep School in the summer term. The game is initially learned through the Kwik cricket format encouraging all players to develop batting, bowling, and fielding skills. As their skills develop, coaching builds towards pairs and T20 match formats with most players moving into the hard ball game in Year 5 or 6. Players are offered coaching throughout the year during activities sessions led by the school’s Director of Cricket, Chris Brown, and other cricket coaching staff.

Senior pupils participated in the inaugural Inter-House target sprint competition

The inaugural Gresham’s School Inter-House target sprint competition took place at the end of January.  Each of the seven Houses entered a Junior team (Year 9 & Year 10) of five competitors and a Senior team (Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13), also containing five competitors. The event was adapted slightly, in order to make it very spectator friendly and also to allow those that had not done very much shooting the opportunity to be competitive. Each competitor was required to run 200 meters before coming into the air rifle range and shooting down five targets. Once the five targets had been knocked down then the next runner set off around the track. The event was made slightly more exciting as it was run under floodlight, at 8 o’clock in the evening. Both the track and the range were floodlit to create a wonderful atmosphere.

A huge congratulations, and thank you, must go to all those that took part and that were involved in the event. Particularly well done to Howson’s for winning the Junior trophy and to Oakeley for winning the Senior trophy. Oakeley also won the overall trophy, so very well done to them.

A significant donation – US scholarships at Gresham’s

Earlier in the year the Gresham’s Foundation received a remarkable donation from a most generous Old Greshamian (OG). £1 million was donated to endow a scholarship programme that will give US pupils the chance to come and study at Gresham’s.

The donation will ensure the scholarship programme will be in place in perpetuity. It will restart the influential English-Speaking Union programme (ESU) at Gresham’s – a programme that a great number of OGs were a part of when they came to the School from the US between 1960 and 1998. The donor wishes to remain anonymous.

Douglas Robb, the Headmaster, said: “We are thrilled to be in receipt of such a generous donation, and most grateful to the OG for having revived and endowed a scholarship programme that was in place at Gresham’s for many years and which had a lasting impact on the School community. Their support will ensure there will always be a US scholar at the School, giving them the chance to expand their horizons and benefit from a Gresham’s education before they embark on the next stages of their educational and professional journey. The scholars will enrich our community, and the programme will also enable us to strengthen our ties with leading US institutions. We look forward to welcoming our first scholar next year.”

The programme will see one student per year from one of the ESU’s US partner schools come to Gresham’s upon completion of their studies at high school. Each scholar will stay at Gresham’s for one academic year, with the first scholar joining the School in September 2023.

Separate to the endowed scholarship, there will also be an opportunity every year for current Gresham’s pupils to apply to study at a US high school for a year. Although the ESU offers a smaller number of fully funded scholarships for UK students to go to the US, the School’s hope is that a number of pupils over the coming years will be successful in applying for a scholarship and thereby get to experience the final year of high school in a prestigious US institution.