Year 12 Biology pupils gave presentations on a plant and animal disease

For some, public speaking is considered a challenging skill. However, our Year 12 Biology pupils gave excellent presentations on a plant and animal disease as part of their A level course. They delivered with confidence and impressed with their in depth knowledge of their disease which went above our syllabus. 

RAF NCOs organised scenarios to practice first-aid knowledge

On Friday 3rd March, the RAF NCOs organised a series of first-aid scenarios to practise the knowledge and skills necessary for dealing with emergency and non-emergency situations. In addition to the practicals, there was a British Red Cross quiz to test theory. First-Aid is an integral part of the RAF cadet training syllabus and Year 10s have basic first-aid sessions led by trained professionals as part of the programme. Early next term the RAF contingent will send a team to the Wingfield competition for Norfolk and Suffolk Air Cadets, and they will be examined on a series of skills, one of which will be first-aid. We wish the competitors the best of luck and hope that this afternoon will have proved excellent training for the competition.        

Pupils have been considering the impact of our food choices during Fairtrade Fortnight

Senior and Prep pupils have been pondering the environmental and societal impact of our food choices in Chapel during Fairtrade Fortnight. Lots of fun was had with Fairtrade bananas and chocolate, as they learned how they can support producers in protecting the planet and the future of some of our most-loved food.

World Book Day 2023

The English Department held the Literary Bake Off Competition for World Book Day – well done to Bea C L and Emilie G for their wonderful ‘Matilda’ inspired cake. As the book tree in the corridor grew with contributions from the pupils, the classrooms buzzed with chatter about books and book recommendations!

Pupils at the Senior School impressed their tutors when participating in a fun World Book Day quiz, testing their knowledge of children’s and classic books, Netflix re-workings and pixelated book covers. Our ‘Masked Reader’ activity, which launched on World Book Day, continues, with pupils guessing which members of staff are reading in disguise. Hamster, Tiger, Smiley and Dog have made an appearance so far, with more staff characters to come!

Well done to Year 5 and 6 pupils who took part in Maths competitions

Last week our Year 6 and 5 pupils entered teams of 4 into maths competitions in Norwich.

On Friday, the Year 6s competed in a 3 round Maths Dash using problem solving skills and team work against 52 other pairs. Eddie B and Ben M finished in a solid 20th position with Cameron M and Ignacio H coming an impressive 5th place.

On Wednesday it was the turn of our Year 5s who took part in a five round multi-Maths skill competition working with cards, tangrams, numbers and dominoes.

Santiago O and Olivia M finished in a pleasing 19th place out of 47 pairs, but the highlight of the week was Hansen W and Ella P who finished in 1st place and so took home brand new scientific calculators.

All pairs worked well together and really enjoyed the experience.

Year 7 practised their language skills in a French café role play

Year 7 had fun ordering drinks and snacks in a French café role play using menus they had created themselves.

Well done to pupils who took part in the English Speaking Union Mace Debating Regional Finals 

Many congratulations to Miranda, Georgie and Tillie in doing so well in the English Speaking Union Mace Debating Regional Final at Bishop’s Stortford, where they faced the five other strongest debating teams in the East Anglian region. The Gresham’s team proposed the motion ‘This House would introduce a 100% inheritance tax’ and performed really well, only narrowly missing out on qualification for the national finals of the ESU competition. Tillie was singled out in feedback for the quality of her summary speech.

33 Prep School swimmers competed in the IAPS qualifying round

33 Prep School swimmers went to Culford School to compete in the IAPS qualifying round. Thousands of swimmers from across the country compete, and those with the 20 fastest qualifying times in each event are invited to the IAPS National Swimming Championships, which will be held at the National Aquatic Centre in June.

Charles Spicer delivered a talk on his debut historical account to Sixth Form pupils

Charles Spicer, Author, company director and charity trustee delivered an absorbing enrichment talk to Sixth Form pupils on his debut historical account, ‘Coffee with Hitler’, which reveals the bold attempt of a handful of British intelligence agents to infiltrate and civilise the Nazi hierarchy. It is an outstanding narrative of a complex tale.

The STEAM Outreach Competition 2023 has begun

The STEAM outreach competition 2023 started this week, with Reepham Primary being the first of over 30 Norfolk primary schools attending. The pupils were fantastic and fed back that they were all ‘excited and inspired’.