Pupils have enjoyed Summer work experience and talks from OGs

Summer Work Experience

Year 13 pupil George did his placement with Norwich stockbrokers, Barratt & Cooke.

This is a yearly opportunity that Barratt & Cooke offer to a Sixth Form pupil from both Gresham’s and Norwich School. To select the Gresham’s pupils interested, Mr Coventry, Mr Mack and Mrs Osborne invited applications, followed by interviews to make the process as realistic as possible.

Year 13 pupil Erin did work experience at Norwich Crown Court with OG Barrister Jeremy Dugdale (c & H 1981 – 87). Erin said “I found it really helpful to give me an insight into law and being a barrister. The court cases were very interesting and gave me a look into family and criminal law”.

Year 13 pupil Tillie did a superb two-week placement with Art History Abroad. Tillie writes, “my time on the Art History Abroad Southern Italy course was transformative and allowed me to immerse myself in Italian art, architecture, and culture. We began the course in Palermo and travelled north to Naples, stopping at Siracusa and Messina. The course left an incredible mark, deepening my understanding and appreciation of art. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and would recommend it.”

Nico A has secured a three-month position working at Leathes Prior Solicitors. He is gaining some great experience, working at the law firm as an Archiving Assistant. Nico has been working within the firm’s Wills Trust & Probate team on a project digitising client wills onto its Legal Management system. This will enable faster document access for lawyers and will enhance the experience Leathes Prior can provide to their clients.

Sixth Form Enrichment talks

Guest speaker, Ellie Ajao, graduate of Music from Royal Holloway, visited as part of Black History month to talk to pupils on her own musical journey and on the initiatives of the organisation Black Lives in Music.

Old Greshamians

OG William Osborne (OSH 1973 – 78) returned to have a fun and helpful discussion with current Sixth Form pupils interested in theatre studies, drama and music performance. Will shared helpful tips on authors, literature, film analysis and classic films to watch. He also offered to read and feed back on their scripts and short films.

Old Greshamians Frederick Todd (k & H 2015 – 22) and Alexander Claybourn (H 2017 – 22) returned via Teams to talk to current Year 13 pupils about their respective degree apprenticeships with investment banks, JP Morgan and JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle) provider of real estate & investment management service. This was such a helpful, honest insight for current the pupils interested in a degree apprenticeship.

If you would like a Careers meeting please contact Sue Osborne, Head of Careers at [email protected]

Year 9 visited the First World War battlefields of Ypres

94 Year 9 pupils visited the First World War battlefields of Ypres on a three-day trip between Wednesday 4th and Friday 6th October. 

After the long drive from Holt, they began the trip with a visit to the Casualty Clearing Station cemetery at Lijssenthoek where they visited the graves of OGs Nathaniel Henry Atlee Ready of OSH and Douglas Birch Richardson of Howson’s. 

On Thursday, a packed day began with a visit to German trenches at Bayenwald before they visited Essex Farm Dressing Station, where Miriam G visited the memorial to her great great great great uncle John McCrae, author of the poem ‘In Flanders Field’.

The group went on to have a guided tour of Talbot House at Poperinge, a welcome retreat from the traumas of the frontline.

In the afternoon they visited Hooge, including a personal pilgrimage for David R who remembered his great-grandfather’s brother John near to where he fell aged just 19, having no known grave.

They visited the Hooge museum, and several students got to try on gas masks, whilst Isaac B was dressed as a fully kitted British Tommy.

They explored Hill 60 and remembered OG and Farfield boy Charlie Kirch, close to the spot where he was fatally injured. After supper they attended the evening act of remembrance at the Menin Gate Memorial, where Jemima and Henry laid a wreath on behalf of Gresham’s. The trip concluded with three visits on Friday morning. They remembered German losses at the cemetery at Langemarck, visited the newly restored Gresham’s Memorial at St George’s Memorial Chapel in Ypres, where Irene T and Tristan B laid a wreath of remembrance, and finished with a visit to the cemetery at Tyne Cot where we remembered OG and Howson’s boy Clement Neill Newsum. 

Year 10 GCSE pupils enjoyed a typical German breakfast

The current year 10 pupils in the German GCSE group include Evie M, Hector B, Ulysses O and Hen C. They enjoyed a typical German breakfast with German dark rye bread, salami, gherkins, Emmentaler cheese and some Lebkuchen washed down with a slug of Erdinger non alcoholic beer, which is an isotonic drink and highly regarded in Switzerland as part of a healthy eating regime. The opportunity to taste the culinary delights of the country whose language they are learning, helps to bring the culture and quite literally the ‘tastes’ of the language closer to the pupils through their senses.

Congratulations to our U14 Rugby team who have won the County Cup

On Thursday 28th September, the U14 rugby team travelled to Langley for the County Cup. They played Wymondham first, and in a physical encounter ran out 21-7 winners, with tries from Sam T, Elliott A and Henry K. They then put in an even stronger performance against Langley, recording a 24-0 victory with a hat trick of tries for Henry K, Henry R and Henry P, with Roland W capping off a fine display. Captain, Sam T lifted the U14 County Cup, which Gresham’s has not managed to win since 1994!

Eduvie spoke in Chapel to mark the beginning of our Black History Month celebrations

Eduvie helped us to mark the beginning of Black History Month in Chapel this week by delivering a brilliant talk on Nigerian history which was inspired by his Grandfather.

We welcomed back OG Irenosen Okojie for a Q&A with Year 13

We welcomed Old Greshamian Irenosen Okojie, Nigerian born English writer back to Gresham’s as part of Black History Month.

Irenosen visited the Prep School where she was a pupil for 6 years; embracing the dual culture and the introduction to the books of Roald Dahl.

Irenosen talked to the Year 13 pupils in a Q&A discussion with Year 12 pupil, Mojuba, from Nigeria.

The platform of this discussion gave opportunity for both to give further depth and insight to the richness of embracing dual culture and people; the authors that have inspired and influenced Irenosen’s writing and her positivity in embracing the dual culture together with the superb inclusion and diversity of teaching and culture that the Gresham’s education gives its pupils.

We welcomed OG Tom Youngs back for our Michaelmas Day celebration

It was wonderful to welcome OG Tom Youngs back to Chapel for our Michaelmas Day celebration. The service began with our heavenly trumpeters filling the building with wonderful music, playing above the heads of the congregation from the West Window. Our pupils then asked Tom questions about his career in professional Rugby, life in farming and his time at Gresham’s.

The History Department was involved in outreach work with Year 6 pupils in partnership with IntoUniversity

Gresham’s History Department was lucky enough to be involved in some outreach work with Year 6 pupils in Great Yarmouth in partnership with IntoUniversity in late September. Head of History, Simon Kinder, journeyed out to Great Yarmouth and spent two hours with a group of local schoolchildren. In a two-hour session, the pupils explored the origins of the Cold War and its major flashpoints. They also reviewed 600 years of medical change in just twenty minutes, identifying six key turning points. The pupils showed impressive concentration and engagement and the group contained many budding historians. At the end of a week of activities, they had a graduation ceremony at the University of East Anglia.

Visiting speaker Patrick Foster delivered a powerful message to Sixth Form pupils, staff and parents

Patrick is a former professional cricketer, insurance broker and independent schoolteacher whose life was torn to shreds by his pathological gambling addiction. Despite his idyllic upbringing and incredible success as a youngster, Patrick’s life became monopolised by gambling from his university days onwards as he found making the transition from playing sport and into the real world a huge challenge. His gambling addiction brought him to the verge of taking his own life in March 2018.  

Patrick delivered a powerful message to our sixth form, staff and parents not just about gambling but about addiction and the wider issues of not acknowledging or accepting help for mental health problems.

Drama pupils enjoyed a workshop with Paperbirds Theatre Company

On Tuesday 19th September Year 12 and Year 10 GCSE Drama pupils had a workshop with Paperbirds Theatre Company. The company have become hugely influential with their powerful and thought provoking productions and their generous approach to sharing their highly accessible theatrical toolkit which they use for creating original theatre. Over the two hours pupils were given a 5 point approach to the devising process.