Over half term the CCF invested in a new DryFire software and laser clay target shooting system. Using a real shotgun mounted with a trigger sensor and laser, the DryFire system is able to simulate life-like clay targets and, unlike many of its competitors, is able to calculate the amount of lead ahead of the clay required to break it. It provides the shooter directly after a shot with an image of their shot and spread, so they can learn from mistakes and make adjustments. Different simulations of all disciplines can be applied. The system can also include varying speed, wind, cartridges and bore of gun to name but a few of its options.
This half of term and into next term, cadets from all three sections will be given the opportunity to use and train on the equipment. It will also be used for supportive training for the clay shooting team. It still requires some tweaking of the projection system to improve image and reduce shadow, but we have already had a very competitive start last week with the Year 12 Army cadets, with Hector L. achieving the high gun and this week with four Navy cadets achieving 10/10 – a big well done to Mia W, Will B, Luca H and Severin G!
This is a fantastic opportunity for the cadets to be able to practise shooting clays throughout the year, come rain or shine.
This will not completely replace live clay shooting, which will continue once the better weather and lighter afternoons commence as we head into Spring and Summer.
For further information about the system, do look up DryFire on https://dryfire.com/ or contact Mr Detnon at [email protected].