Nursery and Pre-Prep Induction

Admissions > Induction > Nursery and Pre-Prep Induction


The first steps to settling into Nursery are a gradual one where parents are welcome to visit with their child initially through some introduction sessions.  During the settling in sessions, children can opt to come for a few hours a day to get them used to their new surroundings.  Our caring nursery staff are very experienced with dealing with anxious children (and parents!) and provide lots of reassurance and encouragement to help them make new friends and explore their new surroundings.


Children are invited to join the Pre-Prep for a morning or afternoon session in the term before they join Reception or their new year group. This provides an opportunity to meet their new teacher and get shown around by very willing new classmates!  Parents are welcome to join their child in class during this session to help reassure them but we usually find that most children have settled well before the end of their first week at school!