There are six key entry points to Gresham’s: Nursery, Reception, Year 3, Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12.
Admissions Policy (Pre-Prep)
Admissions Policy (Prep and Senior)
Following a visit if you wish to apply for a place, prospective parents are asked to complete the relevant registration form and return it with a £216 registration fee. To request a registration form please contact the school you are applying to:
Nursery and Pre-Prep: [email protected]
Prep School: [email protected]
- Years 3, 7 & 8 registration deadline – Friday 8th November 2024
Senior School: [email protected]
- Year 9 registration deadline – Wednesday 13th November 2024
- Sixth Form first round registration deadline – Friday 18th October 2024
If you are a current Gresham’s pupil and would like to apply for a Year 12 place in Arkell House for September 2025, please contact the Admissions office prior to the deadline for Sixth Form entry.
Nursery and Pre-Prep Admissions Procedure
Children can join the Nursery and Pre-Prep in the Autumn and Lent terms following their second birthday subject to places being available. Full and part-time provision is available in the Nursery.
Prep School and Senior School Admissions Procedure
The School’s admission procedure has, as applicable, four elements:
- taster visit (for entrance to Year 3 only);
- entrance assessments (if applicable);
- interviews (if applicable); and
- school reports and references.
Taster visit:
Parents who wish for their child to enter Year 3 of the Prep School will be asked to bring their child in for a taster visit prior to a decision being made. Admission to Year 3 will be dependent upon completion of a satisfactory taster visit.
Entrance assessments:
These are as follows:
- for entry to Years 4 and above in the Prep School an entrance assessment in Maths and English;
- for entry to the Senior School in Year 9 candidates an entrance assessment in Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Interviews are conducted for entry to Years 4 and above in the Prep School and for entry to all years in the Senior School. These are of two kinds:
- general interviews: in all cases there will be a general interview to explore the candidate’s interests, attitude to school, personal qualities, ability to contribute to the School community, support available at home and any relevant connection with the School;
- option interview: at 16+ there may also be an “option interview” to explore a candidate’s academic ability in a particular subject. For certain option subjects (such as Art) candidates may be asked to submit samples of their work.
The Head of the candidate’s current school will be asked to provide copies of school reports and a written reference as to the candidate’s academic ability, attitude and behaviour, attendance, involvement in the School community, talents and interest, and any other special circumstances such as special education needs, or a disability.
Year 12 entry (Sixth Form): In addition to the above, candidates for entry to Year 12 must have achieved their predicted grades which meet the following grade requirements:
- a minimum of six GCSE grades A*- B or 9-6 grades;
- a minimum of a C grade or 4 in Mathematics and English; and
- usually a minimum of a B grade or 6 in a subject to be pursued in the Sixth Form.
Applicants must meet the following admissions criteria:
- success in the relevant entrance assessments and / or achieving the required GCSE grades, as appropriate;
- completion of a satisfactory taster visit (if applicable);
- satisfactory interview (if applicable);
- satisfactory school reports and a positive confidential reference from the applicant’s present school (if applicable);
- commitment to the School’s ethos as described in the School’s aims;
- ability and willingness to benefit from the School’s broad and varied curriculum; and
- will make a positive contribution to the School community.
All candidates must have the legal right to live and study in the UK or, where appropriate, will be sponsored by the School to do so.
International pupils
- Candidates applying from overseas will be considered on the basis of a positive confidential reference from their current school and/or agent, as well as school reports, an interview, and entrance assessments as appropriate.
- Additional admissions procedures and criteria may apply to candidates who require the School to sponsor their application for a visa to study in the UK. Parents should contact the Head of Admissions at the Senior School for further details.